On Saturday, January 25, a tweet about Kanye West's upcoming album went viral. Uploaded by @nfr_podcast, the tweet contained a clip of his long-time collaborator, Ty Dolla $ign, where the rapper was asked about his friendship with Ye. Ty responded:
"Oh, that's my brother right there, man. You know? Vultures 3 on the way, Bully on the way, and my new album Tycoon on the way, let's go."
The tweet has since gone viral, receiving over 927K views, 8K likes, and 1K retweets as of writing. Netizens further reacted to it, with one of them commenting:
"No one wants this."
Some netizens claimed that the collaborations between Ye and Ty Dolla $ign were better before they dropped the first Vultures album.
"Is it just me or was Ye x $ better when it was like one or two songs here and there. Saint Pablo literally sends me every time. I didn’t even listen to vultures 2," one person commented.
"Vultures 2 was horrible. I hope this isn’t the same," wanother person wrote.
"Unpopular opinion: Both vultures were really good. 3 is a little much but I’m hype," another netizen added.
Meanwhile, others expressed their excitement for Kanye West's Bully and Vultures 3.
"Drop Bully first then they can do whatever they want with that," roner person said.
"I honestly think it won’t be bad we still have plenty of great unreleased vultures songs and probably new ones and Kanye is back to enjoying making music so I think Vultures 3 is going to be at least V1 Level if not even better," another fan said.
"Odds are Ty hasn’t spoken to Ye in months," canother person commented.
Kanye West first talked about Bully in September 2024
Ty Dolla $ign's mention of Bully comes nearly 4 months after Kanye West first revealed that his new album was on the way at a listening event in China in September 2024.
According to an XXL Magazine article (published on January 6), Ye announced on September 28, 2024, at the Wuyuan River Stadium in Haikou, China, during a Vultures 2 listening event.
"I got a new album coming out. The album's called Bully," he said.
While the Monster rapper has revealed no other details about his upcoming album, he did perform two new songs at the event that were speculated to be a part of Bully. The first record was Beauty and the Beast, in which Kanye West rapped:
"It's been a long time comin'/Fresh new tides, I'm still runnin'/I still think about it every night and day to try to stay away, to keep my audience/Don’t take this disrespect, I'm sitting here trying to redirect."
The second was titled Preacher Man. None of the songs have been released on the DSPs as of now, XXL Magazine reported.
In October 2024, a journalist named Touré uploaded a social media post alleging that the Carnival rapper was in Tokyo, where he was reportedly working on the album alone, holed up in a hotel. Touré added:
"it’s a concept album and he plans to be the only producer on it. Traditionally, Kanye is the product of a team, there are producers helping him, there are writers helping him, he comes with the big ideas but there’s others in."
The journalist continued:
"Not this time. This time, Kanye is gonna make this pretty much by himself. A fresh chapter in his life because in Tokyo he can be who he wants to be."
Touré also mentioned in his video that without the constant attention of people and paparazzi in Tokyo, unlike in LA, Kanye West had allegedly found a sense of peace there, which was likely to be reflected in the upcoming project, Bully.
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