On Wednesday, December, @PopBase tweeted on X that Ellie Goulding and Ceechynaa confirmed that they had collaborated on a song that'll soon be released. The tweet has since gone viral, receiving over 140K views and 7K likes within hours.
Netizens have been reacting to it, with one of them writing:
"Taylor was found crying"
Some netizens found the news exciting, seeming eager to hear the "magic" they'd create together.
"Wow, that is exciting news! Ceechynaa and Ellie Goulding together? I cannot wait to hear what magic they create," commented an X user.
"Hopefully they will make some banger," posted a second one.
"WE'LL BE STREAMING OMG," wrote another user.
Meanwhile, others called it "random," while still expecting an "epic" collaboration from the artists.
"that's so random i love it-" - added a fan.
"Epic collaboration incoming" - commented another user.
"Hey so this is actually insane. I’m here for it!" - posted a user on X.
The announcement of Ellie Goulding and Ceechynna's collaboration comes roughly a week after a TikTok video of Goulding singing along to the latter's song, Peggy, went viral on social media.
Ellie Goulding helped a charity during Christmas services
The announcement of Ellie Goulding and Ceechynaa's collaboration comes after the former was helping out Crisis - a national UK charity driven to end homelessness - during its Christmas services.
The Goodness Gracious singer, who had been working with the charity for more than 10 years, said she was "in awe" of its work, adding:
"I’ve always cared about homelessness since I was really, really young. It was just something that always really affected me."
Then, going on to reveal what fuelled her dedication to the cause, Goulding said that seeing other people sleep rough had always been a trigger for her. She had told herself early in life that when in a position to help and support the cause, she would.
Emphasizing how homelessness was far from being eradicated, Ellie Goulding continued:
"And it’s not like it’s getting any better, homelessness is still on the rise. There’s over 300,000 people homeless without a proper home this Christmas... So we need more people to get involved with Crisis, and not just at Christmas but throughout the year as well. We need more volunteers, more people to get involved, and just more people to care."
Goulding also praised the warm, safe, and cozy environment she found at Crisis, complimenting the incredible volunteers and friendly faces she encountered at the charity every year. Per Guernsey Press, the Wonderwoman singer was joined at the charity by Joe Wicks - the TV fitness expert - and Sam Phillips, the Bridgerton actor.
Goulding talked about her upcoming project being "personal" for her
In an interview with The Sun (published on December 1), Ellie Goulding talked about working on a new project. Explaining how the new work would be different from her last album, Higher Than Heaven, Goulding said:
"I’ve been writing about what’s been going on in my life. But also just observations, friends, my connection with nature — the usual things that I tend to gravitate towards writing about, maybe slightly more elevated or evolved from the last album."
While opening up about the struggles she faces in her songwriting process, the Hanging On singer said:
"Sometimes the best songs come from just sitting around, drinking tea, talking. It’s been time-consuming, but it’s time that I’ve needed to take."
Goulding has yet to disclose the title of her upcoming sixth album and its release date.