50 Cent has shared his thoughts on Kanye West's recently revealed deposition video featured in the latest A&E documentary. On December 19, 2024, the rapper shared a clip from Ye's deposition video on his Instagram account. In the video, West claims to be the richest Black man in American history.
In response, 50 Cent expressed his amusement, suggesting that it was the most entertaining thing he had seen, along with a laughing emoji highlighting his enjoyment of the moment.
"👀wait this is the best sh*t I have seen, LOL 😳in the deposition, WTF going on here! LMAO 😆 @bransoncognac @lecheminduroi," 50 wrote.
According to All Hip Hop, A&E has an upcoming documentary series, Interrogation Raw: Celebrity Under Oath, set to feature a revealing deposition video of Kanye West stemming from a legal battle involving a $20 million lawsuit by MyChannel Inc.
Kanye West claims to be the "richest Black person" in A&E documentary preview footage
According to Page Six, the footage captures West criticizing his attorney while wearing a face covering during a 2020 lawsuit deposition and calling himself the "richest man."
"I'm not gonna tell you! You never gonna see me again! Are you stupid?! I'm not gonna tell you other things. I don't have time to be talking about, 'I got a chair in the room.' You are talking to the richest Black person in the history of America!" Kanye West said.
Also, the video shows West dressed in black attire and a baseball cap, participating in a video conference with high-profile figures, including Ye's attorney, Michael Popok, Ekwan Rhow, Ben Meiselas, and a court reporter, whose video was turned off.
The video begins with a woman, likely from the courtroom, administering the oath to Kanye West, urging him to speak only the truth. West, seen looking downward, is then asked by a man if he is using a phone. The hip-hopper confirms, prompting the man to politely request that he refrain from using the phone and focus on the questions.
Ye explains that he needs to be on the phone to stay focused. As the legal representatives continue, West removes his baseball cap and puts on a mask, concealing his face. When asked if he was attempting to disrespect the proceedings, West responded, indicating that they did not have the right to see his face.
"Due to my mental geniusness, in order to focus on this bullsh*t, I need to be on a phone... You don't have the right to see my face," Kanye West said.
According to Page Six, the deposition video is related to the 2020 lawsuit filed by MyChannel Inc., which alleged that West reneged on a verbal agreement to develop his Sunday Service and Yeezy e-commerce platforms without payment.
The lawsuit further indicates that Kanye West praised the company's use of artificial intelligence to integrate e-commerce with video content and said he wanted to use it for his Yeezy website.
The company reportedly invested significant money and over 10,000 hours of work to develop a program for him, but Kanye backed out of the agreement after six months. This led to a dispute, with MyChannel accusing him of stealing their idea and using it for his Sunday Service shows without paying, according to Daily Mail.
However, in September 2021, the legal dispute between the two parties was settled, and MyChannel agreed to a joint stipulation of dismissal, as per the outlet. The company first teamed up with Kanye in 2018 to help boost sales of his Yeezy line.
As of now, West has not yet responded to 50 Cent's remarks online.
The series Interrogation Raw: Celebrity Under Oath, premiering on December 26, 2024, at 10 pm ET, looks into the legal proceedings of high-profile celebrities.