Azealia Banks recently went on an explosive rant aimed at Kanye West. The 33-year-old singer and songwriter took to her X on Wednesday, September 11, 2024, to share a letter by Ye's former chief of staff at Yeezy Apparel, Milo Yiannopoulus, issuing her a 60-day notice before ending his services managing her career.
In one of her several tweets slamming Milo, Banks went on to accuse the Gold Digger hitmaker of allegedly hitting his wife, Bianca Censori, and throwing a chair at his daughter North. She wrote:
"Tell the world about how Kanye is Beating up Bianca Censori and how he threw a chair at northwest the other day big mouth. Tell the story of you and Elon making racist jokes about Kanye as if the two of you don't both look like f*ckin hog cheese."
As news of the singer's tirade against Yeezy spread, Internet users were quick to react. One quipped that they wanted to know her source.
Several netizens stated that they believed what Banks was saying. Here are some comments seen on X:
"I 100% believe her," one user commented.
"Ok this is some tea I believe," @jacklyn_tyburk wrote.
"Oop and OOOPPP and OOOOPPPPP and meh. The last one gets a meh bc who’s really surprised that Milo and Elon are raging racists. Milo built his whole non-existant career off bigotry," another stated.
Others expressed their disdain against the Vultures artist. There are some who called Banks a "hater."
"Sigh. I don’t think I can listen to ye anymore if this is fr," @sadgyaIdem added.
"I will never forgive Kanye for making Milo a thing again. He faded into obscurity, being irrelevant and broke. He had hit rock bottom. We were all happy about it and moved on. Kanye’s mentally incapacitated ass got swindled/sweet talked into hiring Milo -a silly Charlatan," a user commented.
"there's never been a hater like her before," another remarked.
This is not the first time Azealia Banks has criticized Kanye
In addition to slamming the far-right political commentator, Milo Yiannopoulus, Azealia Banks remarked that he was just "jealous of black girls." She alleged that Milo demanded 25% of her gross earnings for managing her career. She also claimed that he never sent her the $100,000 advance as mentioned in his letter.
This is not the first time Azalea Banks has spoken up against Kanye. Per a Hip Hop DX post from 2020, West, who ran for president, spoke at length about abortion at a rally in Charleston, SC. At the time, the rapper broke into tears talking about his parents almost aborting him and him wanting his then-wife, Kim Kardashian, to abort North.
However, he also added that abortion should remain legal and stated that new mothers should receive financial support. Per the publication, in response, Banks went on a Twitter tirade stating Kanye doesn't suffer from mental illness, but rather he is a "closeted homosexual."
She stated that maybe the women who aborted their children didn't want to, but their circumstances forced their hands.
In 2022, the Harlem-born rapper criticized Ye's decision to sell a Stem music player for $200, which is the only way one could download his album Donda 2. Per a March 2022 report by XXL, she stated that he was just trying to "sell (a) fancily decorated computer chips/ raspberry pi thingys you can buy on Alibaba for 2.70."
She urged black men to not fall for his trick and called Kanye a "blind dumb deaf mascot put in place" for them to "idolize."
Ye has not publicly reacted to Banks' comments.