Raw Youngin and Brokeasf, upcoming stars in the world of rapping, were recently involved in a car accident as they reportedly attempted to run away from the cops, as per Hip-HopVibe. The incident took place at the intersection of NW 10th Avenue and NW 6th Street, when their vehicle, a grey Infiniti sedan, crashed into another car as they were fleeing a traffic stop.
As per the Alachua Chronicle, the driver of the other car was fatally injured and the others involved in the crash were taken to the hospital. The publication reported that Eric Javah Baker, also known as Raw Youngin, was later identified as the driver of the Infiniti sedan, and he was arrested on July 26, 2024. He was also reportedly issued citations for leaving a crash involving death, possessing no driver's license while leaving a crash involving personal injury and death, and more.
Notably, Youngin is known for his first song Ain't Stoppin Dat, and other tracks that have also received millions of views on YouTube. Meanwhile, Brokeasf gained recognition for his 2020 track Comments.
Raw Youngin was reportedly driving the vehicle that caused the accident
The rapper was arrested after officials from the Gainesville Police Department conducted a traffic stop at 6:40 pm local time on July 26, 2024. However, when officers approached the vehicle, it reportedly drove away and soon crashed into another car, a red Dodge sedan.
The Gainesville Police Department released a statement online and said:
"On Friday, July 26, 2024 at approximately 6:40 p.m., officers of the Gainesville Police Department conducted a traffic stop on a vehicle for numerous traffic violations. The vehicle, a grey Infiniti sedan, came to a stop and as officers approached, fled the area at a high rate of speed."
The Alachua Chronicle reported that the car came to a halt in the front yard of a property located in the 600 block of NW 10th Avenue. However, Raw Youngin did not help those injured in the crash and allegedly ran away. He then reportedly hid in the yard of a nearby house and was eventually located by the authorities, who took him to the hospital to get treated for his injuries.
The press release from the Gainesville Police Department stated:
"The incident is currently an open and active investigation. More information will be provided when available."
About Raw Youngin and Brokeasf in brief
Also known as Eric Javah Baker, Raw spent his childhood in Lake City, Florida and later became famous for his singles such as Cold Steppa and Rock Out. His first song, Ain't Stoppin Dat, managed to break records in terms of viewership on YouTube.
In an interview with RapTV in August 2021, Raw Youngin addressed the factors that have influenced his music by saying:
"When I go in the booth, I definitely think about my family. I rap about what's going on so I definitely think about my people when I'm in there. I be going through these phrases where there's a different timing for when I really get in the vibe."
Brokeasf, on the other hand, dropped his debut album Wrong 1 in 2021. Although he has an Instagram account, he is not active online as his last post was uploaded in November 2022.