Juan Brujo, also known as John Lepe, the frontman of the metal band Brujeria, passed away at the age of 61 on Wednesday, September 18, 2024. The news was confirmed by Brujeria’s Instagram account, which stated that Brujo died from a “heart attack.” The band's message read:
"It is with deep sadness we have to announce that our leader Juan Brujo has passed away today. Juan suffered a heart attack on early Monday morning, after a day off from the current Mexorcista tour in Saint Clairsville, Ohio."
It continued:
"He was rushed to the nearest hospital in Wheeling, West Virginia by emergency services, but, despite the medical team's greatest efforts, he died this morning."
The band stated that the family is grieving at the moment and wishes to “mourn in private.” Brujeria concluded the post by saying:
"The Wizard is dead, long live the Wizard!"
Furthermore, just a day before the passing of Juan Brujo, the band had announced that they would have to cancel their shows due to “severe health problems.” However, Juan’s tragic death took place just a day after this announcement.
Juan Brujo, one of the founding members and frontmen of Brujeria, had been a part of the band since 1989. During his time with the band, he was mainly responsible for the vocals. Other former band members include Jello Biafra, Billy Gould, Tony Campos, Nick Barker, Tony Laureano, Adrian Erlandsson, and David Lepe.
As for the current lineup, Brujeria consists of Pat Hoed, Shane Embury, Henry Sanchez, Anton Reisenegger, Jessica Pimentel, and Sergio Lopez.
Juan Brujo and the band released many albums and singles
Juan Brujo was a popular vocalist and contributed immensely to the success of Brujeria. Since Juan was one of the founding members of the band, he and the band together released many albums like Matando Gueros, Raza Odiada, Brujerizmo, and Pocho Aztlan. The band's most recent album, Esto Es Brujeria, was released in 2023.
Furthermore, the band released many tracks that became fan favorites, such as El Patron, Marijuana, Debilador, California Uber Aztlan, Angel Chilango, American Czar, COVID-666, and Mochando.
Brujeria might have become a successful band now, however, it first started in 1989 as an anonymous studio project, as the members concealed their identities with bandanas and face masks. Along with Brujo, the band was founded by Faith No More’s Billy Gould and former Dead Kennedys frontman Jello Biafra.
It is also worth noting that Juan Brujo became the band’s second member to pass away recently, following the loss of Ciriaco “Pinche Peach” Quezada, who died a few months back. Ciriaco “Pinche Peach” Quezada died at the age of 57 due to heart disease.