Wednesday star Jenna Ortega recently revealed that she listened to Blur but not Oasis, sending the internet into a frenzy. During a sit-down interview with NME to promote her upcoming movie Beetlejuice Beetlejuice, Ortega revealed that she had "no idea" that the Wonderwall hitmakers were back for a reunion after 15 years. A clip of the interview was posted on NME's Instagram and YouTube handle on August 30.
Jenna Ortega asked her fellow Beetlejuice Beetlejuice co-star Catherine O’Hara about her take on the infamous feud between Oasis and Song 2 hitmakers Blur but O'Hara maintained that she did not partake in taking sides. When Ortega was asked about her choice between the two British bands, the actress replied:
"Can I be honest? I actually just heard ‘Wonderwall’ for the first time a month ago. I actually sat down and listened to the whole thing. It was a thing that I got attacked for not knowing about it by an ex. I listen to Blur. I haven’t really gotten into Oasis."
When asked to confirm if her answer was Blur, Ortega agreed but also conceded that she did not really have a history of "Oasis and Oasis listening" to really weigh in on the argument. Social media users were excited by Jenna Ortega's response, with some even claiming that the actress was cheekily reigniting old rivalries. One particular X user claimed:
Similar social media reactions followed as people loved that the Oasis vs. Blur discourse was getting popular again. A plethora of Blur fans agreed with Jenna and supported her choice but Oasis fans respectfully disagreed and wondered how Ortega went that long without knowing Wonderwall. Here are a few X reactions to Ortega's comments:
Jenna Ortega will star as Winona Ryder's daughter in Beetlejuice Beetlejuice
Jenna Ortega is all set to grace theaters once again with Tim Burton's Beetlejuice Beetlejuice, a sequel to the iconic 1988 hit Beetlejuice. Ortega plays the third-generation member of the Deetz family, Astrid Deetz. Winona Ryder reprised her role of Lydia Deetz, Astrid's mother, while Catherine O'Hara reprised the role of Lydia's stepmother, Delia Deetz.
Michael Keaton once again returned to theaters as Betelgeuse, the iconic freaky afterlife ghost itching to marry someone from the realm of the living to break his curse, escape the Neitherworld, and cause chaos in the mortal world.
Other prominent stars in the film include Willem Defoe, Monica Bellucci, Justin Theroux, Burn Gorman, and Danny DeVito, among others.
After premiering at the 81st Venice International Film Festival on August 28, 2024, the Jenna Ortega-starrer garnered mostly positive critical reception. At the time of writing this article, the film stood at a respectable score of 78% on Rotten Tomatoes and amassed a Metacritic score of 63.
The Guardian's Xan Brooks gave the movie two out of five stars and called it a "retro joyride through old haunts". BBC's Nicholas Barber claimed that the film surpassed Burton's 1988 original in "almost every respect" and rated it four out of five stars.
Beetlejuice Beetlejuice will hit theaters across the United States on Friday, September 6, 2024.