Who are Camila Cabello's parents? Singer dedicates her Billboard Latin Women in Music award to her mother Sinuhe Estrabao

The 2024 Met Gala Celebrating "Sleeping Beauties: Reawakening Fashion" - Arrivals
Camila Cabello at the 2024 Met Gala Celebrating "Sleeping Beauties: Reawakening Fashion." (Image by Marleen Moise/Getty Images)

On June 9, American singer and songwriter Camila Cabello received the Global Impact Award at the 2024 Billboard Latin Women in Music gala. She dedicated the honor to several women who have influenced her career, including her mother, Sinuhe Estrabo. In a heartfelt speech, she gave a shout-out to her and said:

“I was thinking about what to say tonight here in front of you and I decided to take this moment to thank my mom. Honestly, I had never taken a moment to talk about her like this, so I wanted to do it tonight.”

Camila Cabello is the daughter of Sinuhe Estrabao and Alejandro Cabello who are from Cuba and Mexico respectively. The Romance singer also hailed her mother’s “infinite strength” and “endless energy” and deemed her an inspiration to her and her sister, Sofia.


Camila Cabello’s parents own a construction company in the USA

Camilla Cabello was born in the Cuban capital city Havana as Karla Camila Cabello Estrabao. She spent her childhood in both Cuba and Mexico, before moving to the USA as a 7-year-old with her mother, Sinuhe Estrabao. A year and a half later, her father Alejandro Cabello joined them in Miami. She has a sister named Sofia who is a decade younger than Camila.

In a 2017 essay she wrote for PopSugar, she reminisced about how difficult it must have been for her parents to immigrate. She stated:

“I realize how scary it must have been for them. For my mom to leave the streets of Havana where our neighbors were our friends… For my dad to leave behind his four brothers and sisters, the memory of his parents… To decide to start from the ground up.”

Camila’s mother was an architect in Cuba and later worked at the retail store Marshall’s Shoe department until she got a job with Autocad, an architectural computer program firm.

Soon, with the help of the Latin community in Miami, Camila Cabello’s parents set up a construction company which they own to date. Over the years, the Bad Things songstress shared how her parents moved to the USA to give her a better education and opportunities in life.

While they supported her music career and encouraged her to audition for The X-Factor reality show, Sinuhe told Glamour Magazine in 2017 that she never expected her to be a singer.

As for Alejandro, he appeared on his daughter’s 2022 album Familia where Camila paid homage to her Latin American heritage. She also dedicated the song First Man from her second album Romance to her dad.

Sinuhe Estrabao and Alejandro Cabello frequently appear on their daughter’s social media and also accompany her to social events, including the 2020 Grammy Awards.

Camila Cabello's speech during the Billboard Latin Women in Music 2024 Gala

On Sunday night, at the Billboard Latin Women in Music 2024 gala, Camilla Cabello delivered an emotional speech on stage while accepting her Global Impact Award. She praised her mother and stated:

“When the world is suffering, the headlines make my chest hurt with news of war and death with dangerous amounts of lack of compassion, my mom reminds me that there is love in this world.”

The Fifth Harmony member continued:

“She inspires me with that infinite strength that just being herself, transmits her endless energy and encourages my sister and me no matter how exhausted she is. She shows me that there is hope in this world.”

Camila Cabello also noted that the best advice she ever got from her mother was not something she said but rather what she practices, including “kindness, empathy, and most importantly, how she treats people.”

She also gave a shout-out to her fellow honorees including Gloria Estefan, Karol G, Ana Barbara, Angela Aguilar, Kany Garcia, La India, and Kali Uchis among others calling them “incredible women” and a source of inspiration for her and others.

She acknowledged their contribution to Latin and global music and gave a special shout-out to Estefan, sharing her “love” for her more than once.

The 27-year-old Camila Cabello also thanked her fans and asked them to never underestimate the power of their actions. She further advised them to be kind to the shy new kid at school, stand up for a friend who is being bullied, and get involved with the cause they care about. She added:

“Every act of kindness creates a chain reaction.”

The I Luv It singer also thanked the Cuban-Mexican community of Miami for shaping her life and career and shared how “grateful” she was for their never-ending show of support and cheer for her.

This is not the first time Camila Cabello thanked her mother in public. Earlier, during the 2017 Billboard Women in Music Award, she mentioned her mother Sinuhe for being the “best role model” and most incredible example of what it means to be a woman.

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