Jahmal Harvey, also known as "Hard Rock," emerged as a rising star in American amateur boxing, hailing from Oxon Hill, Maryland. Born on November 19, 2002, he showcased exceptional talent from a young age, making history as the first American male to win an elite world title since 2007 at the 2021 Elite World Championships. Introduced to boxing by his football coach, Harvey's dedication and skill earned him multiple gold medals at various levels of competition, including the USA Boxing National Championships. His remarkable journey culminated in qualifying for the 2024 Paris Olympic Games, solidifying his status as a promising boxing talent.
Where did Jahmal Harvey go to School?
Jahmal Harvey attended Flora L. Hendley Elementary School at 425 Chesapeake Street, where he was once a rambunctious fifth-grade student. He later returned triumphantly as an AIBA boxing champion.
FAQ's On Jahmal Harvey High School
A. Jahmal Harvey attended Flora L. Hendley Elementary School at 425 Chesapeake Street.
A. Jahmal Harvey is also known as "Hard Rock."
A. Jahmal Harvey made history by becoming the first American male to win an elite world title since 2007 at the 2021 Elite World Championships.
A. Jahmal Harvey was introduced to boxing by his football coach.
A. Jahmal Harvey qualified for the 2024 Paris Olympic Games, solidifying his status as a promising boxing talent.