After finishing fifth in Mr. Olympia last month, Mamdouh "Big Ramy" Elssbiay will look for redemption at the upcoming 2023 Arnold Classic. Less than six weeks prior to the event, on January 21, 2023, Big Ramy received stem cell treatment in an effort to improve the package for Columbus, Ohio.
Big Ramy received intravenous stem cell treatment in an effort to heal his body, which was highlighted in a Dr. Akhan Instagram story post.

Big Ramy is not the only bodybuilder to get stem cell treatment
Ramy is not the only bodybuilder who uses this techniques. Chris Bumstead, a four-time Classic Physique Olympian, used mesenchymal stem cell treatment (stem cells from a newborn baby's umbilical cord) to treat ligaments, cartilage, and bone breaks during the off-season of the previous year.
In stem cell treatment, damaged cells are repaired and inflammation is decreased using stem cells as a form of regenerative medicine. It provides patients with a hopeful alternative to conventional therapy since it has been demonstrated in trials to be successful in treating autoimmune, inflammatory, and neurological illnesses.
Ronnie Coleman, who had one of the most successful careers in sports, turned to stem cell treatment after suffering from many back operations. These operations had an impact on his independence while walking. According to Coleman, the stem cell treatment he underwent in Mexico altered the course of events. He said that the therapy improved his quality of life and that he soon intends to be able to walk unassisted.
Big Ramy had a disappointing 2022 Mr. Olympia
Ramy, a two-time Mr. Olympia winner, achieved the highest peak of his career in 2020 when he won his first Sandow. Despite seasoned competitors like Phil Heath believing Ramy was losing ground in 2021, Ramy successfully retained his crown. Heath predicted that Hadi Choopan may defeat Elssbiay 'if he leaves the door open like he did in 2021' months before the next major competition.
Big Ramy was mostly ignored by the 2022 Olympia judges despite being the favorite going into the competition. When the finals started, it was evident that Hadi Choopan and former 212 Olympian Derek Lunsford would face off in the match (who accepted a special invite to compete in the Open at the 2022 Olympia). Fans were shocked by the result when announcer Bob Cicherillo gave Ramy the fifth-place prize money.
Ramy was riled up after an epic defeat and having to leave Vegas without a trophy. He spoke openly about the incident shortly afterwards and said he would go back once he determined what went wrong. Steve Weinberger, the head judge, was open about Ramy's performance. He said that the former champion 'wasn't the Ramy we all know' and speculated that the former victor had a back and/or shoulder injury.
Ramy enters the 2023 Arnold Classic
The 38-year-old also revealed last week a surprising entrance into the 2023 Arnold Classic, contrary to popular belief that he will take a break from the stage. Ramy received stem cell therapy to treat some of his neurological concerns, which many feel prevented him from putting on good form at the 2022 Olympia in December. Ramy wants to deliver the finest physique possible.
Just after Big Ramy announced his participation in the Arnold Classic 2023, his coach Chad Nicholls released a brief statement. In his statement, Nicholls' mentioned the criticism he received due to Ramy and William Bonac's devastating Mr. Olympia performances.
The $300,000 prize pool was increased by the Arnold Sports Festival, drawing a lot of participants. Along with Ramy, other attendees include Nick Walker, Andrew Jacked, and Patrick Moore. Chris Aceto, Big Ramy's former coach, talked about Ramy's prospects of success as the event gets closer. He thinks Ramy has a chance of winning but suspects that he will have trouble beating Nick Walker, who placed third at the 2022 Olympia.