Mikaela Shiffrin shared the details of her recovery journey and wished New Year's Day to her fans, dropping a hint of her skiing return. Shiffrin suffered a giant slalom crash in Killington in November, leading to an unexpected surgery and rest days.
Shiffrin got a puncture wound in her abdominal area at the crash but later found out that a cavity filled with hematoma sat way deeper than the wound. After weeks of rehabilitation, Shiffrin updated her fans about the return of her abs and that she could resume driving.
On January 1, 2025, the two-time Olympic gold medalist wished New Year's Day to her social family, sharing that she is putting in the work to gain strength and conditioning in her next recovery phase.
Though she said she can only ski with full intensity when her body feels the best, Mikaela Shiffrin expressed excitement over cheering on her teammates at the ongoing 2024-25 alpine skiing World Cup season.
"Happy New Year!!! Making progress over here…I can move and sweat and use my body which is so exciting! This next phase of recovery is all about getting my strength and conditioning back as much as possible while working within the limitations of my obliques... Hoping to work into some easy turns on snow in the next week or so," the caption read.
The alpine skier further noted:
"There’s a little ways to go before I’m ready to truly ski with intensity—from a pain and a fitness perspective—but I am psyched with where we’re at now, kicking off 2025! And in the meantime, I’m loving watching the World Cup races! What have your favorite moments of the season been so far?"
Mikaela Shiffrin extended her World Cup win tally to 99 at the 2024-25 World Cup circuit shortly before the harrowing crash broke her 100th win bid.
Mikaela Shiffrin's fiance stated that he only felt relieved after talking to her after the crash
Mikaela Shiffrin's crash brought her fans and family to the edge of their seats, especially his fiance Aleksander Kilde. In the former's documentary 'Moving Right Along', Kilde reflected on the threatening crash and how he convinced himself of his fiance's better condition after talking to her and the doctors.
Kilde said in Season 3, Episode 2:
"She didn't move. She was just lying there and I was just thinking this could be anything and the next thing that I see is that she needs to have help into the sled. She is not even lifting her legs. She basically looked a little bit almost paralyzed. She really hammered and I was like heck yeah this is going to be good and then this part is brutal," he said.
Kilde added:
"I think the first time I talked to her was in the hospital and she was calling herself and she said that things were okay which was a relief and I don't know how late that was but like half an hour, an hour."
Aleksander Kilde missed competing in the 2024-25 World Cup circuit because of a downhill injury he suffered the past season.