Masai Russell accomplished a prominent feat during the Paris Olympics in 2024. The rising hurdler and sprinter who competed for the Kentucky Wildcats earlier, recently gave her take on long-distance hurdle runners and their events.
Russell holds two collegiate records in 100m hurdles and 60m hurdles. In her latest appearance for "Workout Wednesday", Russell revealed why she would not pursue long-distance running in hurdles. In a video uploaded on “FloTrack's YouTube channel”, the athlete expressed her opinions:
“When I tell you I'm so glad that I don't got to run anything over a 300. I thank God every day. We used to run 400s in practice like over hurdles, like nine hurdles to the line like the 400 hurdles race is 10 but could you take out one hurdle and be like run to the line like at that point you should have just put the last hurdle. Two times I used to be leaving practice eyes red, blurry, couldn't even walk straight. To all my 400 and up, 400 and 400 hurdle and up, I commend y'all because I don't see how y'all could do it. I had to get good at the 100 hurdle because I don't think I would have made it in 400,” Russell shared [5:15 onwards]
While in practice, Russell mentioned that she would not be content with long-distance running in hurdles. Last year, Russell had revealed that she would be participating in the inaugural season of “Grand Slam Track” by retired and decorated athlete Michael Johnson. Russell was also honored with the 2024 Breakthrough Performer Wing Award.
Masai Russell shares her take on her drive and discipline
Masai Russell won gold in the 100m hurdles on her Olympic debut in Paris in 2024. The athlete came across multiple challenges before the Olympics. She talked about her foundation and the individuals she would always respect in her journey to the top. Russell opened up about her conviction on the “Sport Xposure Podcast”.
“I'm going to continue to give a lot of credit to my parents just because they're the ones that brought me into this world. And my dad always told me 'you got to do what you got to do, so you can do what you want to do'. And I think a lot of people think that they can live this life or live the glamorous that they see on social media without putting in that work or not or like cutting corners. I've never cut a corner when it has come to track. I'm always going to do what my coach says the time that he says to hit it in and I just believe in like what goes around comes around,” She said [45:54 onwards]
Masai Russell, with her opinions, touched upon her principles and relentless training structure of working hard towards her goals. The athlete, who made her mark in the hurdle event at the top believes in never deviating from her goals and following every step with positive belief.