Nebraska Volleyball player Andi Jackson recently shared her reaction after her close acquaintance, Curt's son's basketball team won a major basketball tournament against higher-grade players.
Curt's son plays for the Mile High Elite basketball team's 3rd grade team. Even though he plays for the younger team, he and her teammates recently won the 4-5th graders tournaments and clinched the first position. Millie Hogh School Basketball's Instagram handle took to its account to share a picture of the entire team and express their pride in the team.
The caption of the post remarked:
"We are incredibly proud of our 3rd grade Mile High elite basketball team!"
Jackson being a proud aunt shared this picture on her Instagram story and reacted with a two-word reaction for her close friend's son who was wearing jersey no. 15 in the team. She wrote:
"Go 15 @kleeze32"

Jackson shares a very friendly relationship with Curt and also terms him 'bruv'.
Andi Jackson is currently in her off-period from Nebraska Volleyball duties as the season concluded back in December. Since then, she has been busy in several fun sessions with her teammates.
Nebraska Volleyball's Andi Jackson opens up about her former teammate Ellen Jackson

Nebraska Volleyball's Andi Jackson expressed her feelings about her former volleyball teammate, Ellen Jackson who passed away in 2022 due to a car accident. Andi trained with Ellen at The Diff training facility before coming into the Nebraska Volleyball program.
In an interview, Jackson shared that Ellen was the one teammate who helped bring a true perspective and aim to her life. Additionally, she also said that she was honored to be her teammate because of Ellen's amicable and soft nature. She said (via Husker Extra):
"She is the person who made me realize, at the end of the day, when volleyball is all over, who do you want to be? It’s really unfortunate that I had to lose someone to realize that. But once she left, I realized that I didn’t care about anything that she did volleyball-wise. I was so honored that I even got to be her teammate and her friend because of how well she treated people and how welcoming she was, and how personable she was."
During the interview, Andi Jackson also stated that she understood the importance of treating people nicely from Ellen Jackson.