Justin Gatlin and Rodney Green spoke about the highly anticipated clash between Noah Lyles and Tyreek Hill. The probable clash between the two athletes has been reported to take place in 2025 at the 'Super Serious on Sight' series, a one-of-a-kind tournament that will feature knockout races between Olympic racers and athletes of other sports.
The banter between the two athletes began after the Paris Olympics where Tyreek Hill claimed to defeat Lyles in a race easily, raising anticipation among fans to witness a one-on-one face-off. After Ad Age reported that the clash between the two athletes would finally take shape in 2025, Justin Gatlin and Rodney Green spoke about the face-off in their podcast 'Ready Set Go'
As the details about their race are yet to be disclosed, Gatlin and Green discussed the possible outcomes over different distances.
Speaking about competing in the 50m, Green said:
"Tyreek doesn't have, I don't think he has a chance. If they race, for Tyreek to have a real deal with me, you know what I mean, this is an opinion, I feel like it has to be somewhere around 30m."
"Boy, that is the shortest race ever in life. Who is going to sign up for that? Who is going to watch that," Gatlin chimed in.
Further, Gatlin discussed Lyles' strengths and weaknesses to give out a possible aspect where Hill could have an edge.
"How sharp is Noah going to be, right? We know Noah is a little inconsistent with his start, and his ankles exiting the blocks. We know that the best part of the race is always the second half of his race. The best advantage Tyreek has coming into this is catching Noah not at his sharpest," he added.
Rodney Green had a different opinion and said:
"You're talking about Noah racing against people of his caliber, Tyreek is not of his caliber."
Noah Lyles on Tyreek Hill wanting to race him
Noah Lyles spoke about Tyreek Hill wanting to race him in an interview with ESPN's SportsCenter. The American athlete revealed that a lot of people are eager to race him for the title of the ' fastest man' which he achieved after putting in years of hard work and persistence.
"But in terms of, you know, running a race, you know, look, man, you got to be serious. Everybody wants to jump up to the top right. Everybody wants to jump into the everybody wants to race the fastest man. I didn't grab this title, title because it's easy or because I went the easy route," he said.
Noah Lyles refused to keep the title at stake during the race but was to compete for a personal rivalry.