TLC's coveted show 1000-lb Sisters premiered in 2020 and chronicled the weight-loss journeys of sisters Amy and Tammy Slaton. While showcasing the challenges and difficulties of their lives, the show often depicted the lives of their other siblings who were equally determined to lose weight. Among them was Amanda Halterman who debuted in the later seasons of the reality series.
44-year-old Amanda did not appear in the earlier seasons of 1000-lb Sisters as she grappled with her divorce from her ex-husband, Jason Halterman. Regardless, the 1000-lb Sisters star underwent two bariatric surgeries and lost over 300 pounds following a strict diet plan and exercise routine.
However, Amanda encountered numerous challenges on her journey to achieve her desired weight. From health concerns to family issues, the female cast member overcame a series of obstacles to get to where she stood in life. Despite reducing her weight to 268 pounds, Amanda was determined to lose more and get her life on track.
1000-lb Sisters: Amanda Halterman's weight-loss journey suffered a setback after a knee injury required surgery
While many Slaton siblings struggled to keep their weight in check, Amanda did not. Weight never bothered the reality star until she married Jason in December 1998 and had children. Her marriage ultimately fell through and the couple amicably parted ways in August 2020. However, their divorce was not finalized until two years later in August 2022.
The divorce that ended their 22 years of marriage took a toll on Amanda and affected her emotionally in addition to emerging as a setback to her weight-loss journey.
While still married to Jason, she underwent her first bariatric surgery in 2014, years before appearing on 1000-lb Sisters. She lost 300 pounds after her first surgery but found herself regaining the weight as she grappled with the challenges of marriage and parenthood.
In 2023, during season 5 of the TLC show, Amanda and her sister, Misty Slaton Wentworth went under the knife on the same day. The sisters visited Dr. Eric Smith, who had treated most of the Slatons, for a consultation. After Dr. Smith approved them for revision surgeries, Amanda and Misty underwent bariatric surgery on the same day.
However, the Slatons worried about the consequences of the operation. Since Amy, Tammy, and Chris had all undergone the surgery they were aware of its risks, which included complications and death. During the scene which unfolded in season 5, Amy said:
"Hearing Amanda and Misty get worked up about the surgery and them not making it out, it's scary. One slip and, oop, Amanda's gone, or oop, Misty's gone. I need my sisters, not only because they're my support system, but it's family."
Amanda's weight reduced quickly post-surgery, however, the mother of four found herself struggling to keep up after injuring her knee. Her weight-loss journey slowed down significantly due to the injury that required surgery. Amanda fell behind her routine because she was advised against exercising.
During season 6 of 1000-lb Sisters, Amanda visited the doctor for a weigh-in. The scale read 268 pounds. Although she had lost some weight since her last weigh-in, Amanda was disappointed because she thought she would lose more, especially since she had undergone weight-loss surgery.
While reflecting on her setbacks, Amanda complained about her family's impact on her weight-loss journey. She confessed that she spent most of her time helping the newly divorced Amy raise her kids and assisting Tammy in finding a place to live. She claimed that her family kept her busy and prevented her from focusing on losing weight.
Despite the hurdles, Amanda was determined to get back on track and reset her priorities. She was confident that following a strict diet plan and workout routine would help her reduce her weight and give her life a makeover.
Episodes of 1000-lb Sisters can be streamed on Discovery+.