The reality series 90 Day: The Last Resort brought together five troubled couples for a couples retreat, where they worked on their relationships through group therapy. The first season ended in October 2023, and the second season premiered on December 2, 2024. The third episode, airing on December 16, 2024, showed the couples going to a club for a stress-relieving night that quickly turned dramatic.
Meanwhile, Ari suddenly disappeared, leaving the others searching for her. Natalie's evening took a further turn for the worse when she discovered that Josh had been secretly messaging Sophie. Feeling betrayed, Natalie decided to take matters into her own hands.
What happened in 90 Day: The Last Resort season 2 episode 3?
In episode 3 of 90 Day: The Last Resort, the couples went to a club in Arizona. On the way, Ari tried to talk to Bini about their issues, but he stayed emotionally distant. At the club, Bini danced with other women, upsetting Ari. Overwhelmed, she locked herself in the bathroom. Jasmine later encouraged Bini to make up with Ari, though she felt Ari's reaction was immature.
After a while, Ari emerged from the bathroom and shared that she was struggling with anxiety. She pulled Bini aside for a private conversation, expressing her feelings that he seemed more interested in socializing than in addressing their relationship issues. However, the conversation between the two moved forward when Ari finally agreed to share her social media passwords with Bini.
Before heading to the club, Sophie asked Julia to clarify a previous comment about someone in the cast not liking her. Julia revealed that the person in question was Natalie. Meanwhile, Brandon shared with Sophie that Natalie had made derogatory comments about her, accusing her of flirting with everyone and making a disparaging remark about her appearance.
Sophie then disclosed to the group that Josh had been messaging her on social media, inviting her to join him in Las Vegas.
"Josh's messages towards me started pretty friendly. But then I could tell, they were starting to get flirty. I have no idea if Natalie knows about if Josh has messaged me, but even if she does, he's the one that messaged me," said Sophie.
At the club, Natalie grew jealous when she saw Sophie talking to Josh. Jasmine unknowingly made things worse by telling Natalie about Josh's invitation to Sophie. Natalie became angry, seeking attention from other men at the bar and insulting Sophie.
She confronted Josh, who downplayed the invitation, saying it was just a friendly gesture because they had mutual acquaintances. Natalie questioned why she wasn't included, and Josh explained it was because she often gets jealous of attractive women.
The conversation ended with Natalie demanding that Josh invite her to Las Vegas, but he refused, prompting her to launch a verbal attack on him. The altercation between Natalie and Sophie escalated into a physical confrontation when Natalie re-entered the club and knocked Sophie's drink out of her hand. Sophie urged Rob to intervene, but he expressed uncertainty about how to handle the situation.
"What could I do? I said, 'You should check your f*cking boyfriend,'" said Rob.
As the 90 Day: The Last Resort episode was about to come to a conclusion, Jasmine stepped in, attempting to calm Natalie down and warning her to stop her aggressive behavior. This led to Jasmine accusing Natalie of being reckless and disrespecting women, demanding that she apologize for her actions.
90 Day: The Last Resort airs every Monday on TLC at 8/7c.