Love is Blind UK premiered on August 7, 2024, on Netflix. The show's premise allows contestants to understand each other emotionally through pods without seeing each other. They are allowed to meet only after they get engaged on the show.
Once the contestants are engaged, they are sent to a romantic honeymoon in Corfu, Greece to further build their intimacy. During the honeymoon, they will get a chance to understand their partner physically and also to see their quirks, habits, and how they are in general.
The show has versions in various other countries including the US, Japan, Sweden, and many more. Fans have particularly compared the UK version with Love is Blind USA. They took to X to react to how the two versions are different from each other.
One user wrote about how American girls would never give up on their love interest, seeing Catherine backing off so that Demi and Ollie continue together in the show.
"Catherine ending things with Ollie because he has a stronger connection with Demi was sooo sweet of her, love is blind America girls would never #LoveIsBlindUK "- a fan wrote.
"I'm on episode 3 of #LoveisBlindUK and everyone seems so sane and normal, not crazy and manipulative as we've come to expect frome the US version - feels really suspicious" - another user wrote.
Fans are seen comparing the cast, the show's production and even genuinity of it. They are saying that the people on the UK version are sane and less manipulative compared to the US version of Love is Blind.
"Last night I started watching Love Is Blind UK and tell me why it’s already so much better than the US version?? Maybe it’s production, maybe it’s because the cast seems 97% genuine, but I recommend #LoveIsBlindUK" - one person tweeted.
"Why is it that Love is Blind UK men look way better than the USA men. Can you do a country swap version? #ineedtosignup #usadobetter #loveisblind" - a fan commented.
"#LoveIsBlindUK there is one difference between the US and the UK version. The UK version has kept all the 'edge of your seat cringe' but all of the contestants are genuinely nice people." - another person tweeted.
"love is blind uk is so cute omg, i gave up with the us version after a few seasons bc it began to feel a bit fake and annoying but the uk version is feeling very genuine and adorable to me (so far at least)" - one netizen wrote.
Most fans are seen talking about the US version being fake and annoying the UK version being more honest and the contestants being more considerate for each other.
"Byeeee why is the #LoveIsBlindUK so much better than the American one lmaoooo these people are hilarious" - one person said.
"#LoveIsBlindUK is so much more down to earth than the recent US ones. Urghh i love itttt. Fav stories so far - Fred & Cat, Bobby & Jas. SAM IS NOT HERE FOR THE RIGHT REASONS. How can Nicole pick him over Benaniah?!?!" - another person tweeted.
Love is Blind UK engaged couples so far
In the first four episodes several couples got engaged, including Steven and Sabrina, Freddie and Catherine, Demi and Ollie, Tom and Maria, Bobby and Jasmine. All the five couples flew for their romantic honeymoon. After their vacation, the couples will meet each other families and make their decision of marrying the other person or not.
The trailer for the upcoming episodes showed the changing dynamic between all the couples. The next set of Love is Blind UK episodes are releasing August 14, 2024.