Baddies is a reality TV franchise created by The Zeus Network which released its sixth season (dubbed Baddies Midwest) on November 3, 2024. The reality show follows a group of young women who live together and host several promotional events, frequently leading to verbal and physical fights.
Many Baddies cast members previously starred in Bad Girls Club, including executive producer Natalie Nunn. Natalie returns for the sixth season along with Scotlynd “Scotty” Ryan, Jelaminah "Jela" Lanier, Rollie Pollie, Damerlin "Biggie" Baez, Latifa "Tesehki" Malone, Diamond The Body, Ahna Mac, and Tatyana “Tinkaabellaaa” Williams.
While the ladies paid a visit to rapper Chrisean Rock on episode 1 as they kick off their Midwest tour from Oklahoma, Sashanna “Slim” McLaurin, Tommie Lee, and Shameika "NuNu" Brailsford will also be making special guest appearances.
Newer celebrity cast members include Jaidyn Alexis and Akbar V from Love and Hip Hop: Atlanta. Ivori, Not Da Lil One, Yoshi, Emma Alayo, PrettyP, Jazmin Re’Nae, Badd Dolly, Big Lex, and Summer None Other were picked from the Baddies Midwest & Gone Wild Auditions.
What happened in Baddies Midwest premiere?
Natalie Nunn kicked off the episode by announcing that the cast would go to Detroit, Cleveland, Chicago, Milwaukee, Indianapolis, St. Louis, Michigan, and Honolulu. She also claimed that if any Baddie crossed the line in front of her, she would pack their bags and send them home personally.
While the rest of the ladies introduced themselves for the latest season, Natalie addressed them directly and expressed her desire to do even better this season.
This season I don't know what to expect. I don't even know who still has beef or if there is any beef between these girls. I'm excited 'cause we're back. It's season 6, b*tch," stated Natalie.
Rollie Pollie hoped for better-cast members this time around who are not going to be "followers". It was announced that they would be heading to Oklahoma to meet Chrisean. The rapper is Tesehki's real-life sister and the siblings had an ongoing beef from Baddies East in which Tesehki accused Chrisean of jumping on her with her friends.
Natalie revealed that Chrisean had called her up previously. The rapper wanted to settle down the differences between her Tesehki as she was in a better place mentally. Natalie hoped that Chrisean and Tesehki could move on from their ongoing feud and arranged a sit-down between them.
Tesehki's friends worried about Biggie and Ahna. They visited Tesehki to give words of support as the latter claimed to have "PTSD" from the incident last year. Biggie explained that she flew to Oklahoma because she wanted to be there for her friend Tesehki.
"Honestly, getting off the PJ and getting ready for this dinner that I'm not invited to, that's fine. I'm not here for Chrisean, I'm here for the mental support of Tesehki," Biggie said.
Tehseki later expressed her gratitude towards her friends. She thanked them for being there for her as after their conversation she felt at ease. Chrisean arrived at the scene with her baby to join the cast. She claimed that she was in a bad place previously but wanted to be a better person and the "best mom". While the rest of the cast complimented Chrisean's evolution, Tehseki joined them for the sit-down.
Things quickly went south as the siblings couldn't see eye-to-eye in the conflict. Chrisean even refused to apologize for getting her friends to jump on her. The episode concluded on a cliffhanger when Chrisean refuted that claim and revealed that Tehseki molested her sister when she was seven.
Baddies Midwest premiered with the first two episodes of the season and is available to watch on Zeus Network.