Big Brother season 26 premiered on CBS on July 17, 2024. Two rounds of elimination have taken place thus far, with Matt Hardeman and Lisa Weintraub being eliminated in weeks 1 and 2, respectively.
The show's format welcomed 16 Houseguests, who will compete weekly to secure their place by winning over the tasks. The Big Brother house has 24/7 camera surveillance and houseguests cannot access the outer world.
In week 2, episode 8, three houseguests were nominated: Angela, Kenny, and Lisa. Lisa, who won the season's first veto power, gets eliminated by an 11:1 vote, only Kenny did not vote for her. She felt she had been blindsided in the game by her friends, so she got evicted.
The official synopsis for Big Brother season 26, episode 8 reads:
"Following a live vote, a houseguest is evicted and interviewed; remaining houseguests compete for power in the next head of household."
Lisa Weintraub: The week 2 evictee of Big Brother season 26
In episode 8 of week 2, which aired on August 1, 2024, an 11:1 vote evicted Lisa. This season's theme is "AI," and houseguests are participating in tasks and competitions related to artificial intelligence.
In episode 8, nominated housemates had to participate in the A.I. Arena challenge, where they rotated gears to assemble puzzle pieces correctly and match them with the security scanner key. Tucker wins the task and becomes safe from eviction. This meant either Lisa or Angela would go home in the follow-up eviction.
The Big Brother season 26 cast seemed to be united against Angela, as she was marked as a bully from week 1, which made Lisa believe Angela would be the one to leave the house. Lisa revealed feeling blindsided by Tucker and other houseguests during the exit interview with Julie Chen, the show's host.
She said,
"I thought this week was more than the game itself. Angela's actions and words throughout the game seemed less like a game tactic and more like how someone was carrying themselves we all collectively did not agree with and did not want in the house."
Lisa felt betrayed by her friends, T'Kor, Kimo, and Leah. She told Julie that she was sensitive to the vibes and mannerisms of people around her and noticed that they were behaving differently around her. Lisa believed her friends were being dishonest with her. She feels proud of how she handled herself in that situation, describing herself as strategic and dynamic.
Week 3, episode 9, will bring new challenges, nominations, and tasks. The Head of the House will nominate three contestants and this elimination round will result in strategic changes in the group dynamics of the houseguests.
Episode 9 of Big Brother season 26 is to air on Sunday, August 4, 2024, on CBS at 9 pm ET.