Buying London season 1 premiered exclusively on Netflix on Wednesday, May 22, 2024. The real estate British series features DDRE Global's owner Daniel Daggers and his team of agents. It focuses on the professional and personal lives of the cast members, who navigate drama and conflicts in their work circle.
Viewers see the talented DDRE Global team attempting to conquer London’s luxury property markets by following the footsteps and guidance of Daniel Daggers. The synopsis of Buying London as per Netflix reads:
"Follow high-end agent Daniel Daggers and team as they navigate London's luxury property market, where the drama is as jaw-dropping as the price tags."
3 key moments from the Netflix series Buying London
1) Lauren and Rasa's rivalry
During episode 1 of Buying London, viewers witnessed the two agents Lauren Christy and Rasa Bagdonaviciute arguing about favoritism at their workplace. While competing for the £15m Halcyon Hall, Radlett listing, Lauren mentioned that her friendship with DDRE Global's CEO Daniel Daggers was the main reason for him to trust her more than Rasa.
Soon after, they got into a heated argument when Rasa implied that each employee should get opportunities based on their hard work, not friendship. Lauren on the other hand claimed that Rasa had a lot to learn and needed to "earn" the trust Daniel had in her. The Buying London star replied:
"It’s not all about you. You said yourself that you should get the listing because you have a friendship with Daniel. You playing on my experience, don’t underestimate me. You say me lacking experience is my weakness."
The two continued to have arguments and conflicts throughout the season.
2) Oli's wife's confrontation
In episode 3, It Takes Two to Tango, Oli's wife Vivi confronted him for flirting with his co-worker Juliana. Previously, Juliana admitted that she had a crush on Oli as fellow DDRE Global agents could sense she was trying to blur professional boundaries. Vivi later asked Juliana if she had a crush on Oli and she said she did.
However, their conversation escalated when the Buying London cast member revealed that Oli had been flirting with her. Vivi reminded Juliana that she was crossing a line by trying to pursue a married man, and the latter replied:
"I'm single and I would never disrespect you. I have enough options to go for any man I want out there. I don't need to go for a married man."
To stop them from getting into an argument, Oli apologized to both Vivi and Juliana, stating that it had been a misunderstanding. Juliana felt Vivi was making personal attacks about her "authenticity" and personality.
3) Girl's night drama
During the girl's night at Lauren's place, Rosi Walden was curious to know more about Lauren and Daniel's friendship. When the girls were chatting about their preferences for a partner and date experiences, Rosi asked Lauren if she had any romantic history with Daniel.
"Okay, I have a question. Let's be honest now. Have you ever been on a date with Daniel? Has there ever been any history since you met Daniel?" she asked.
Buying London agent Lauren was offended as Rosi implied that her not truthfully answering the question would mean she had "dug her own grave." Lauren stated she didn't want this conversation going around as it would "discredit her completely" as an employee at DDRE.
Buying London is available to stream on Netflix.