The Zeus Network's reality TV show, Baddies, premiered its sixth installment, Baddies Midwest, on November 3, 2024. This latest season features a vibrant and dynamic group of young women living and working together on promotional events, a setup that often leads to fiery confrontations and dramatic conflicts.
Summer None Other, a cast member of Baddies Midwest, publicly addressed Jazmin Re'Nae in a December 7 Instagram story, expressing frustration over Jazmin's claim that Summer apologized to her. Summer explained that her apology was motivated by pity, as Jazmin appeared downtrodden and embarrassed when they encountered each other on the show.
Summer clarified that she didn't genuinely apologize but rather felt sorry for Jazmin's fragile state. She emphasized that Jazmin only received attention when she was involved in conflicts or interacting with Summer. Summer asserted that her own popularity and camera time were a result of her authenticity and bold personality, rather than seeking attention through manufactured drama.
"I'm a real b*tch. I ran you an apology because you were sad and mad. Locking yourself in your room, b*tch, all day long. When you see me, your head was down, b*tch. Cameras on and off, h*. B*tch, my camera time come from me being a real b*tch. A true b*tch. You, I don't even know, b*tch. I can't even relate," Summer said.
Baddies Midwest star Jazmin Re'Nae replied to Summer None Other on social media
The issue between Jazmin and Summer began when the latter called Jazmin out to fight in the teaser for episode 7, which will be released on December 8, 2024. Jazmin uploaded stories from some of her fans who mentioned this split-second instance in the Baddies Midwest teaser.
In response to Summer's actions, Jazmin posted a screenshot of Summer's story, accompanied by a caption. Jazmin mocked Summer's behavior, implying that she was slow and uninteresting, only worthy of attention when involved in drama. Jazmin concluded her post by stating that she would address the situation further when she had the opportunity.
"Bruh this slow btc sleep, shower, sh!t, & shave in this Baddies chain. I can't. Anyways... I'll respond to this when I get the chance yuckmouth," Jazmin captioned.
What happened in Baddies Midwest episode 6?
Episode 6 of Baddies Midwest resumed with Jela and Big Lex's argument escalating into a physical fight. Ivori intervened, and security had to break up the fight twice. Rollie witnessed the intense brawl and commented on its ferocity.
After the fight, Jela tried to have a conversation with Big Lex, advising her not to form opinions based on edited TV footage. Big Lex later explained that she confronted Jela about her alleged bullying of other girls from a previous season.
The cast later went to a club, where Summer got into a verbal altercation with Mariah. The night took a chaotic turn when a fight broke out during Diamond The Body's performance.
The next day, Natalie announced that they would be leaving Detroit for Chicago. Akbar filled Natalie in on the various fights that had taken place in the house. Natalie sensed a growing divide between the original cast members and the newcomers.
The cast's discussion about collaborating on a song turned heated, with Akbar and Biggie delivering impromptu rap verses on the bus. Upon arriving at Franklin's Cider Mill, the cast encountered another confrontation, which quickly escalated into a physical altercation.
As soon as the Baddies went back to their villa, Summer was fired up and asked Badd Dolly to show up for a fight. Pretty P was already riled after a heated confrontation with Tinkaabellaaa and jumped in to fight Summer, as she felt all of the cast was just interested in talking but not fighting.
Interested viewers can watch Baddies Midwest episode 7, set to air on December 8, 2024, to see what happens between Summer and Jazmin.