The Real Housewives of Potomac season 9 follows the personal lives of returning cast members Gizelle Bryant, Ashley Darby, Karen Huger, Dr. Wendy Osefo, and Mia Thornton. This season, they are joined by newcomers Stacey Rusch and Keiarna Stewart, alongside their friends Jacqueline Blake and Jassi Rideau.
In the newly released January 5, 2025 episode, Mia shared that the situation about her worrying about her kids had been clarified after talking to her ex-husband Gordon. Upon hearing this, Wendy and Stacey told Mia that the decisions she is making might not be in the best interest of "all parties involved." Meanwhile, Karen expressed her concern for the children being with Gordon as well. After Mia got emotional, Jacqueline intervened in the conversation stating Mia as being stressed, she said:
"I know you all are concerned but it's another level of stress on her. The temperature has been really high when it comes to Mia, she has been the center of every single table conversation."
The Real Housewives of Potomac season 9 episode 13 titled Rum-ble in the Jungle was released exclusively on Bravo TV on Sunday, January 5, 2025. The episode synopsis reads as the following:
"Wendy takes the group to Panama City for some fun with rum; Stacey continues to try and win over her roommate, Gizelle; as the nightly festivities continue, a few of the ladies unload on Mia about unresolved issues."
Mia gets emotional on The Real Housewives of Potomac season 9 episode 13
On The Real Housewives of Potomac season 9 episode 13, Mia clarified the situation about thinking her kids had gone missing, to her friend group. She shared that the children were with Gordon and there was nothing to worry about. As viewers know, in the previous episodes, Mia had mentioned Gordon was trying to take "control" of what he could which were his children.
Reflecting on this matter, Wendy chimed in stating she was concerned about the children and that them being around Gordon wasn't the "best for them." Ashley agreed with Wendy and said that Mia might think she is doing what's right but there is a chance she was not doing something in favor of "all parties involved." Wendy continued:
"Mia, I'm going to be honest with you, you're a big girl, you can handle yourself but at this point, as your friend, my concern is your children. And you think you're doing what's best for them but I don't think, him being around them in this moment is what's best for them."
Then the conversation escalated to Gizelle calling out Mia for her previous comments. The Real Housewives of Potomac cast member stated she had apologized to Gizelle and that she was tired of being "under a microscope." Mia got emotional and implied that all the Bravo ladies were targeting her. She said:
"I'm really tired of being under a microscope of what I do on my social media and my life is really kind of wild and crazy. But I am at least being authentic and telling my story."
Episode 14 will highlight whether Mia will take Wendy's advice on her boundaries with her ex-husband Gordon. Stream new episodes of The Real Housewives of Potomac season 9 every week exclusively on Bravo TV on Sundays at 8/7c and the next day on Peacock TV.