The Circle season 7 premiered on Netflix on Wednesday, September 11, 2024. Ten contestants participated in the unique social media competition series where they interacted with each other via text messages. Their carefully constructed online profiles were the only source to gather information about one another.
While some remained truthful and played the game as themselves, others disguised themselves using someone else's identity. The cast members had nothing but their instincts to resort to figuring out who the imposter was. With little to no information available, contestants often forged alliances to advance in the competition.
One such connection developed between Kevin and Savannah in episodes 1 and 2. In episode 2, Kevin attempted to impress Savannah by volunteering to become her dog, Samson's father, to which Savannah replied:
"Funny you asked, he's actually looking for a #CircleStepDaddy."
The Circle cast members immediately bonded, hoping to sustain their connection and use it to their advantage in the competition's latter stages. When Kevin saw Savannah's profile picture in episode 1, he was enchanted by her appearance. At the same time, Savannah felt attracted to Kevin and wanted to get to know him better as the game progressed.
The Circle star Kevin admitted his connection with Savannah benefitted his gameplay
When Kevin came across Savannah's profile picture, he admitted he was mesmerized by her beauty. He confessed she made him feel "some type of way." Looking at the hashtag "BrainSurgeryQueen," Kevin concluded Savannah was a medical student, complimenting her for doing something he could not.
Later in the same episode, when Savannah and Heather, aka Andy, deliberated who they wanted to block, the former confessed she wanted Kevin to stay because he was her type.
"He is first on my list to chat with next. That might just be the college sorority girl in me. #GreekLove," Savannah stated.
The following morning, Savannah admitted she wanted to get her "circle bae going." She added their profile pictures looked good together. At the same time, Kevin wanted to connect with the influencer, hoping to use her dog, Samson, as leverage to consolidate their spark.
Kevin started blushing when Savannah initiated a private chat with him. He immediately accepted her request, admitting it was what he was hoping for.
"Hey babe, crazy that you're a lifeguard because, ironically, I can't swim. Would you save me and my dog from the frozen lake? #YouSaveMe #IllSaveYou," Savannah's message read.
The Circle star Kevin replied, saying he would always save her and her dog. When Kevin asked if she needed a father for her dog, she excitedly answered in the affirmative. She informed him that her dog was named Samson, "the strongest man in the Bible."
Kevin used a "kissy-face emoji" and reassured The Circle contestant that he had her and her dog's back. His excitement peaked when Savannah wrote:
"So excited for #Kevannah."
Despite how fast everything was moving, Kevin was pleased with how things unfolded. Later, Savannah took her dog to the screen and showed Kevin's picture, introducing him as "Mommy's new man."
Later, when The Circle contestants played, Throwback Thirsty, where each had to post a steamy picture of themselves, Savannah and Kevin reacted to each other's images with multiple heart-eye and fire emojis. Upon seeing Kevin's picture, which was clicked on a beach, Savannah cheered excitedly. Meanwhile, when Kevin saw hers, he said:
"She's gorgeous."
Savannah was pleased that Kevin rated her image more than the other girls.
The Circle season 7 is available to stream only on Netflix.