Deal or No Deal Island season 2 episode 2 premiered on NBC on January 14, 2025. The episode marked the arrival of renowned TV star Dr. Will Kirby, who joined in as one of the contestants hoping to win another reality show.
In an interview with Entertainment Weekly, published on January 13, Kirby reflected on joining the show and shared his gameplay for the season.
He explained why he decided to enter as a "reality show villain".
"I knew that the fellow contestants were going to come in and quickly judge me by my previous reputation, and I wanted to lean into that. So I wanted to come in as a reality show villain," he said.
Kirby, however, added that he was a very different person than when he participated in his first reality show, 25 years ago. He shared that during his recent run on Deal or No Deal Island, he used his words and acted as ethically as he could.
He further emphasized his strong commitment to ethics, stating that he operated with the "highest level of integrity, rectitude, morals, and ethics." He made it a point to always honor the deals he struck, fully acknowledging that others might not uphold their promises.
"I wanted my character arc to come in, be a huge target, be a villain, and then slowly morph into a hero. And I think I accomplished that," he added.
Dr. Will Kirby explains the important aspects of competing on Deal or No Deal Island
Dr. Will Kirby competed in the second season of CBS's Big Brother. After outlasting his fellow houseguests, he successfully convinced the jury to vote in his favor, ultimately winning the season and cementing his legacy
He later went on to make several reality appearances including hosting Big Brother jury roundtables and became a part of the first season of Big Brother All Stars.
Having participated in both Big Brother and Deal or No Deal Island, Dr. Will Kirby was asked in an interview with Entertainment Weekly to compare the two reality shows.
He explained that these types of reality shows have four aspects; kinetic dynamic or athletic quotient, social quotient, strategy, and luck.
"So as much as I joke around, if someone pretends they're a phenomenal reality player, they could be really good at three of those, but there's still a huge amount of luck involved and that's just the truth," he continued.
Kirby noted that Deal or No Deal Island involved a "tremendous amount of luck" since a contestant had to play the Banker. They could either beat the Banker or lose to the Banker and the person participating didn't have much control over it.
The reality star further explained that the social aspect of the game wasn't crucial until near the end. He commended the producers for their work, noting that they "did a phenomenal job layering in social elements at the very end."
While Kirby believed that strategy was a crucial part of Deal or No Deal Island, it only helped the contestant acquire immunity in the challenges. Ultimately, he emphasized that the athletic component was the most vital aspect of the show.
"So I felt like I had a really pretty well balanced game, but I also came in guns blazing. I was not going to just fizzle out at the end of my career and wanted to make a big impact," the Deal or No Deal Island season 2 contestant concluded.
Deal or No Deal Island season 2 episode premieres every Tuesday on NBC.