Orlando Bloom: To The Edge, Peacock's latest reality show featuring Lord of the Rings actor Orlando Bloom premiered on Thursday, April 18, 2024. The show saw the well-known actor take part in three extremely dangerous adventure sports, wingsuiting, free diving, and rock climbing.
In an interview with Salon that was released on April 18, the actor discussed his reality show in detail. When questioned about his pain threshold, the actor said that it was part of his "particular path through this lifetime."
He said—
"But I did have my fair share of accidents and injuries in my childhood. I think in some ways, I feel comfortable in a hurt locker that's familiar to me. Without going into some giant therapy session, we are imprinted through our childhood, and I am a result of some of that."
Bloom added that with Orlando Bloom: To The Edge, he wanted to take charge and responsibility, overcome his impulsive nature, and try to become "more considered" in his actions.
Orlando Bloom credits COVID-19 for doing Orlando Bloom: To The Edge
In the same interview, the Pirates of the Caribbean actor opened up about his decision to take part in the adventure sport as a part of the show. He said that Covid was a "very challenging" time for everyone since they were all confronted with fear and noted—
"I wanted to come out of that. I wasn't super afraid, but I was aware of that fear, so what would be a cool thing to do?"
Bloom said that the idea appealed to the part of his personality that was a thrill seeker and allowed him to confront his fears. It also allowed him to learn from a lot of the people he met on Orlando Bloom: To the Edge, including Like Aikins, Camila Jaber, and Mo Beck.
He noted—
"It was set for me to go on a journey of self-discovery and learning. I used my Buddhist practices to help me overcome the moments of fear I was experiencing. That has been a great tool in my life."
Salon asked the Lord of the Rings actor where the risk-taking began for him to which Orlando Bloom said that he enjoyed being on the edge since early life. He credited the behavior to "undiagnosed ADD" and being "slightly impulsive." Bloom said that he learned to be less impulsive, more considered and educated, and how to follow protocols.
He further spoke about his childhood injuries and said that breaking his back at an early age was "life-changing." Bloom added that the obstacles that one overcomes in life, eventually become "badges of honor" and "inform your process."
He said—
"Breaking my back at a young age and feeling that physical pain was a life-changing thing that I survived. When you overcome obstacles in your life, they become badges of honor in some ways and inform your process as you move through the world. That has been true for me. If I can survive that, I can do this."
While in conversation with Today, the actor opened up about his Buddhist practice and how it helped him while filming Orlando Bloom: To The Edge. He said that it had been an anchor in his life. During the Peacock show, Bloom often recited "Nam-myoho-renge-kyo" a Buddhist chant. He told the publication that it was a practice to bring himself in tune with the rhythm of the universe.
Episodes of Orlando Bloom: To The Edge are available to stream on Peacock.