The latest episode of Sister Wives, which aired on Sunday, January 26, 2025, showcased the ongoing tensions within the Brown family. The episode focused on Janelle Brown, who shared her struggles with financial control during her marriage to Kody Brown.
Janelle revealed that she often felt that she had no control over her own finances, claiming that Kody took “lots” of money from their shared family fund without clear explanations. The episode also highlighted the unresolved land issues related to the family’s Coyote Pass property in Arizona. Janelle and Meri discussed their concerns about how the property was managed and shared their plans to take legal action to get an equal share.
Fans of the show Sister Wives took to X to react to Kody’s unwillingness to let go of the Coyote Pass property.
"Kody wants to keep holding onto coyote pass for a storyline.. like enough already," one fan commented.
"Kody trying to F Meri and Janelle on Coyote Pass. Like that f**ker doesn't know we're all on to him," another fan said.
"#kodybrown really is the epitome of the worst human ever! The way he sits there talking about the moments he is having with “his” kids on coyote pass makes me sick! I remember a time Gab was there with him he making him cry! He’s just s*um a real dirtbag," an X user wrote.
"Kody really wants to live off of Janelle and Meri’s money on coyote pass," one tweet said.
Some Sister Wives fans have suggested that Meri and Janelle should "team up" against Kody to address the property issue.
"It's about time Meri and Janelle team up against Kody and Robyn for coyote pass," a fan wrote.
"It’s a shame Kody will do everything but build on Coyote Pass!" one netizen tweeted.
"Keep Coyote Pass Kody & Robyn but PAY UP - Janelle & Meri deserve it! You just bought a bigger mansion, PAY THEM YOU DEADBEATS!" another user commented.
"I’m bored with Kody and Robyn commiserating about Coyote Pass again," a tweet read.
Janelle and Meri address unresolved property disputes with Kody in Sister Wives
During this episode of Sister Wives, Janelle opened up about the financial setup within the Brown family, explaining that everyone initially agreed to pool their money into a shared account. However, as the family dynamics shifted, Janelle said that Kody began using the funds without consulting the wives.
“He would just take out funds, and I don’t know what for. The money was just being spent — and lots of it,” Janelle said in the confessional.
Kody denied these claims, saying that he managed finances as the father of 18 children and a husband to multiple wives.
“We had a lot of places that money needed to go that weren’t always Janelle’s business,” he stated.
As this episode of Sister Wives progressed, Janelle expressed concerns about Coyote Pass. She shared her regret for not making sure the property was equally owned by all family members.
“I trusted it would all work out in the end. Looking back now, I’m like, ‘Wow, it’s really dumb,’” she said.
Meanwhile, Kody claimed that he paid for most of one lot on Coyote Pass, stating that he covered 92 percent of it himself. Janelle expressed her desire to resolve the issue, saying it is the only remaining connection she has to Kody and Robyn, and she wants to "close that chapter."
Watch new episodes of Sister Wives airing every Sunday at 10 pm ET on TLC.