The third season of The Traitors premiered on January 1, 2025, bringing dramatic twists that have kept viewers engaged. In the latest episode, the Traitors successfully executed their plans, with Minah emerging as a central figure in their alliance.
Her role in the group's decision to murder Keith, who was perceived as a potential threat, showcased her strategic influence. Later, during the banishment ceremony, another Faithful, Elen, was voted out, leaving the Traitors safe. Minah’s gameplay has sparked widespread discussion, making her one of the most talked-about players this season.
On social media platform X (formerly Twitter), fans have been commenting about Minah’s gameplay, praising her ability to maintain composure while working behind the scenes.
"I have a feeling she’s gonna eat this season up! Love an analytical queen #TraitorsUK" - one fan commented.
"Minah’s got the strategy down to a fine art - just sit back and let Armani bury herself with her own shovel #TraitorsUK - another user said.
"Minah might just be my most favourite #Traitor of all time. #TraitorsUK" - an X user wrote.
"Maia should have been the traitor because honestly, I think she would have gone far with it. She keeps herself to herself. For the first time, I’m only rooting for one traitor - Minah #TheTraitors" - one netized tweeted.
Fans of the show have expressed their support for Minah as a strong contender this season.
"Minah has to win. She's actually such a good traitor. #TraitorsUK #TheTraitors" - one fan wrote.
"She definitely the last traitor standing. Linda and Armani will get caught sooner." - one tweet read.
"Love Minah. She could be an all time favourite. #Traitors #TraitorsUK" - another fan commented.
"I want Minah to throw Armani under the bus so badly. Ugh, I love this show so much. It’s going to be my entire personality for a month or two. #TraitorsUK" - one user said.
Key moments from The Traitors Season 3 so far
The third season of the show premiered on January 1, 2025, introducing viewers to a high-stakes game filled with twists. The season began with the elimination of Alexander, Fazia, and Jack before they could enter the castle, immediately reducing the number of players and setting the tone for the episodes ahead.
Yin became the first murder victim, marking the start of the traitors’ strategic gameplay. In the second episode, the Faithfuls experienced their first banishment ceremony, during which Nathan, a Faithful, was voted out. This development allowed the traitors, Minah, Linda, and Armani—to remain undetected.
Their next move involved selecting Keith as their target for the second murder, a decision confirmed by his absence at breakfast. The group also participated in their first challenge, which required them to topple a statue using gunpowder earned through correct answers. The successful completion of the task added £6k to the prize pot and ensured that no murders would take place that night.
Despite the brief pause in eliminations, another banishment ceremony followed. Elen, another Faithful, was voted out after a lengthy discussion, further reducing the group. With seven players already out of the game, the season has progressed rapidly, highlighting the nature of the game.
Traitors have managed to maintain their positions without raising significant suspicion, navigating the challenges and banishment ceremonies effectively. Minah, in particular, has emerged as an important player, contributing to The Traitors’ decisions and working to maintain alliances.
Watch episodes of The Traitors UK airing on BBC One.