Love is Blind: Habibi, another spinoff series for the hit Netflix show Love is Blind, introduces viewers to single contestants living in the Middle East. Following a format similar to the US version, cast members established a bond in the pods and chose their partners through emotional intimacy. Couples who were sure of one another met face-to-face after getting engaged.
Apart from finding a romantic connection on the show, cast members also found genuine friendships during this social experiment. As the participants weren't allowed to contact family or friends during the time in the pods, they developed an understanding with their fellow contestants.
The Love is Blind: Habibi reunion episode, which aired on October 31, 2024, disclosed that Mohammad and Chafic were two of the contestants who remained friends even after the filming wrapped up. When show host Elham Ali asked Chafic about one good trait of Mohammad and one thing he should improve, he responded:
"Okay, for me, he has a good heart. He's kind-hearted. He loves her very much. His bad trait is that he is very jealous. I'm being honest."
The synopsis of the Love is Blind: Habibi reunion episode reads:
"Sparks fly as celebrity couple Khaled Saqer and Elham Ali revisit key moments in a reunion packed with intense drama — and a surprise couple revelation."
Mohammad and Chafic talk about their friendship at the Love is Blind: Habibi reunion
In the Love is Blind: Habibi reunion episode, Muhammad and Safa reflected on celebrating their first year of marriage. Viewers saw a recap of their year together as the show's filming wrapped up more than twelve months ago. While talking about their love, compatibility, and understanding, Chafic added to the conversation by complimenting the two love birds.
He shared with the show hosts Elham Ali and Khaled Saqer that he hangs out with Mohammad even after the filming of the show. The two became friends during their time in the social experiment. Chafic stated that Mohammad and Safa "really complete" each other, he continued:
"I wanna say something nice. We always go out together, for me this is a perfect match. They really complete each other. Hats off to them, honestly."
Mohammad joked about Chafic visiting him whenever the latter was hungry. The Love is Blind: Habibi contestant shared that Chafic has been visiting him often since he got married. He said:
"Since I got married, he visits whenever he's hungry. He only eats and works. He calls at noon saying I miss you. At lunchtime, as if he smelled the food."
Later in the episode, show host Elham Ali asked Mohammad to advise Dounia and Chafic now that he is married. He replied:
"I think that with little tweaks, you will be perfect together. May God bless you."
To get updates on Chafic and Mohammad's personal and professional lives, fans can follow the two contestants on their Instagram accounts. All episodes alongside the reunion of Love is Blind: Habibi is available on Netflix.