The popular reality TV show Big Brother has contestants called houseguests, who live together in an isolated house while they compete for a grand prize. The houseguests must complete various challenges to remain in the house until the end and thus prevent eviction.
The relationship between Rubina and Tucker in the house quickly became a focal point of the season. From the start, it was clear that there was chemistry between the two. The way they interacted with each other captivated viewers. Even though they didn't come to the house thinking of dating, they found themselves drawn towards each other.
After Tucker got evicted out of the house, Rubina found herself emotional, and she said,
"I love you for being you, I am obsessed with you, he was just saying so many things while we were in the kitchen, He could not hold it back and he said in it my native language."
Tucker's emotional confession to Rubina in Big Brother
When Rubina told the audience that Tucker "could not hold it back," she began to cry. Her tears showed how close they really were, beyond the game's strategic limits. In his August 30, 2024, interview with John Powell, Tucker acknowledged the sincerity of his feelings towards Rubina.
Tucker told her he was sorry if his actions had hurt her by accident, and made it clear that he never meant to hurt her. He explained that their decision to be open about their relationship was a strategic move to prevent misunderstandings within the house. He thought that if they were honest, they could stop the rumours and speculation that tend to spread in the high-stakes world of Big Brother.
Tucker’s reflections on falling in love in the Big Brother house
When Tucker Des Lauriers thought back on his journey on the show, he said he never thought he'd fall in love in the Big Brother house. Friends and family had told him initially to avoid a showmance, and he admitted that he had never seen himself getting romantically involved in the game either. He confessed,
"There was a negative chance of me getting in a showmance."
But his relationship with Rubina was difficult to ignore. Tucker was hesitant at first, but he eventually accepted the connection since, not going after it would have been his biggest regret in the house. Tucker had nice things to say about Rubina and praised her honesty and confidence.
One of his favourite things was seeing Rubina be herself, and he was looking forward to seeing how their relationship would grow when they weren't playing the game. Tucker knew that bringing their relationship from the Big Brother house to real life might be hard, but he remained positive.
He told her how excited he was for their lives to come together once Rubina left the game, and he promised to be there for her in California. Rubina admitted that, even if she wins nothing in Big Brother house, she is happy to have found him here.
The episodes of Big Brother release every Wednesday, Thursday, and Sunday on CBS.