The much-awaited season 7 of The Circle is finally here. The show features over 11 contestants who must survive the game by making other contestants believe in their identity. Among them are four catfish, who are pretending to be someone they are not to mislead the other players of their identities.
Heather Richardson is one of these catfish, playing her bass-playing ex-boyfriend, Andy. Heather is a tour manager for rock bands, making it easier for her to act like a bass player. Additionally, her close proximity to the real Andy in the past gives her an extra advantage.
In episode 3 of The Circle, Heather is easily able to make Madelyn Rusinyak, the model, believe in her identity by flirting with her. After Andy sent Madelyn a message saying he didn't want to be a "d-bag in her DMs," but found her beautiful, Madelyn said:
"I'm like confident by this one message that he's not a catfish."
She also called Andy "a gentleman" and someone who would take her out for dinner.
The chat between Madelyn and Heather on episode 3 of The Circle season 7
Heather decided to message Madelyn after she saw other partnerships forming in The Circle fraternity. She named Darian and Jadejha, Kevin with either Gianna or Savannah, and said that Andy couldn't be the only single man in the game. She also thought through Andy's brain and said he would be attracted to someone like Madelyn.
When Madelyn received Andy's invitation in The Circle chat, she was excited to talk to him and said that her heart was racing. After she accepted Andy's invitation, the first message she received said he didn't want to be a "d-bag," which made her think he was genuine. She said:
"This is showing that he respects me and that he's a gentleman, and he's gonna take me to dinner first. And he's gonna compliment the dress I'm wearing before he takes it off."
She then wrote back to Andy on The Circle chat and said that she was anticipating his message. She told him that he was exactly her type and ended the message with the #CircleHusband.
Subsequently, Heather jumped right into her motive of befriending Madelyn. She asked her if she missed her "plus-one" at Kevin's party, which was hosted with the motive of introducing two new faces to the mix - Madelyn and Garrett. Heather was expecting tea from Madelyn because the party was exclusive to only a few members, while Madelyn was expecting tea from Andy because she was new in the game. She said:
"I had a lot of fun at the party last night, but I was bummed when I found out you weren't going to be there."
Heather, seeing her plan work, decided to pin down her alliance with Madelyn. She promised the model that she had her back and used the hashtag #CircleWife to ascertain her feelings for her. In response, Madelyn accepted the alliance and said they could make it to the top together. She also joked that other players could be at their wedding. She finished her text, reassuring Andy that she could have her word for it.
The upcoming episodes of The Circle are expected to see Madelyn and Andy/Heather fighting it out against other contestants. Even if Andy's catfish gets called out, Madelyn's trust in him could convince other contestants of his genuineness.
The Circle season 7 stars Madelynn and Heather can both be followed on their Instagram handles at @mmjuicyy and @heather.richh, respectively.