House of Villains, an E! competition series, has brought together ten "infamous villains" from multiple reality TV shows. These contestants compete for the title of America's Ultimate Supervillain and the grand prize of $200,000. Throughout the show, participants have to participate in multiple challenges and use their specific strategies to save themselves from elimination.
So far, seven episodes have been released. In the newly aired episode 7 on November 14, 2024, Kandy was crowned the new Super Villain of the Week. This development caused concern among some House of Villains housemates, including Wes, who were worried about the power Kandy held after she chose Safaree, Victoria, and Larsa during the banishment ceremony.
House of Villians season 2 episode 7, titled Blood Bath, premiered exclusively on E! on Thursday, November 14, 2024. The episode synopsis reads as follows:
"A new Supervillain is crowned; Wes tells Kandy a big secret that changes the game; Teresa feels conflicted when she's torn between two villains."
What happened on House of Villains season 2 episode 7?
In House of Villains, season 2 episode 7, drama erupts among the contestants as three members become part of the hitlist. While competing for the grand prize of $200,000, conflicts arise as participants strategize to save themselves from being banished from the house.
As fans already know, Camilla was eliminated from the competition series last episode. This meant the remaining villains had to participate in a Battle Royale Challenge to reveal a new supervillain.
The House of Villains star Kandy was upset about three of her alliances going home, especially Camilla. The other housemates' decision to vote out her alliances reassured Kandy that the majority was against her and that she would be voted out as well. Skeptical about the next voting segment, Kandy vowed to seek revenge and not back down from her strategy to remain in the game for as long as possible.
Towards the end of House of Villains season 2 episode 7, Kandy was declared the Supervillain of the Week, granting her power in the competition. She chose Jessie and New York to share in the Super Villain reward with her. Meanwhile, Wes began to wonder if Kandy could be declared the final winner of the competition series as well.
The House of Villains participant Kandy became aware of Wes' game strategy and tactics that he might use against her. It was then time for Kandy to select nominees for the banishment ceremony. Initially considering targeting Wes, she then decided to go after his alliances to weaken his game plan.
Safaree, Victoria, and Larsa were chosen as nominees for possible elimination. The upcoming episode, titled Unfunny Business, will air on November 21, 2024. The episode synopsis mentions the consequence of the banishment ceremony:
"The return of the comedy club Redemption Challenge leaves a lot of villains quiet; Victoria continues fighting with another villain; Teresa makes a big decision; a surprise at the end of banishment sends not one but two villains packing."
New episodes of House of Villains season 2 air every week on Thursdays on E! and the next day on Peacock TV.