Love Undercover was released on May 9 on Peacock. The show follows the lives of five international soccer players who have embarked on a journey to find true love in Los Angeles. The twist, however, is that these footballers do so undercover, with their real identities concealed, so that they can meet women who have the most genuine love and feelings for them.
The official summary of the show reads:
"Love Undercover is a modern-day fairytale meets buddy comedy about an elite group of international soccer stars who come to the United States on a secret quest for true love."
Keeping their identities hidden, they court 18 eligible women, aiming to reveal their true selves only at the series finale. The show has drama, romance, and unexpected twists as the contestants navigate relationships and strive to find genuine connections. There will be 10 episodes in all of the Peacock series, with new ones being released every Thursday.
Love Undercover's schedule
Love Undercover has undoubtedly become one of the fan favorites. The show has a weekly episode schedule, with new ones airing every Thursday. The first season of the show has a total of 10 episodes:
- Episode 1: Superstar Status: Gone
- Episode 2: I Have Something To Tell You
- Episode 3: He’s a World Cup King!
- Episode 4: Menage à trois, NO!
- Episode 5: Ruthless, Lying Pack of Girls
- Episode 6: Frisky Business
- Episode 7: I’m F*cking Famous
- Episode 8: Lying to the In-Laws
- Episode 9: From Sister Wives to WAGS
- Episode 10: Fairytale Finish?
The first four episodes were released at once on May 9. Subsequently, the next three were released on May 16. The last three episodes of season 1 is scheduled to be released on May 23, 2024.
Love Undercover season 1 cast
Love Undercover season 1 features an intriguing cast of five international soccer players who go undercover to find love in Los Angeles. The contestants include Jamie O’Hara, a former professional soccer player known for his career in the English Premier League.
Jamie O’Hara, known for his tenure in the English Premier League, has faced intense public scrutiny throughout his career, which adds depth to his quest for genuine connections.
Ryan Babel, a Dutch professional soccer player with a notable international career, is also part of the cast. Lloyd Jones, who is another professional soccer player, brings his charm and athletic background to the show as well.
Mexican footballer Marco Fabián, who is well recognized for his skills and achievements on the field, is also a part of the star male cast, and lastly, Sebastián Fassi, an Argentinian player, adds his flair and personality to the mix.
These athletes, who fall in the age bracket of 25 to 40, live together in a house and go on dates, hoping to form meaningful connections without revealing their superstar status until the end of the series.
The show is narrated by Jared Freid, whose humorous and engaging commentary enhances the unfolding drama and romance. The show wants these footballers to find someone who loves them for who they truly are, not someone who falls for them due to their celebrity status.