Big Brother season 26 aired for two nights and premiered on July 17 and 18, 2024 on CBS. The reality TV game show has welcomed 16 Houseguests in the Big Brother house for 90 days with 24/7 camera surveillance. These houseguests had to participate in a weekly game face-off to save themselves from elimination and win over advantages like Head of the House and Veto power.
Angela Murray is a 50-year-old real estate agent who hails from Syracuse, Utah. She's a contestant in season 26 and attracted a lot of criticism from the audience for her behavior in the show. She has been in the spotlight since week 1 of the show because she clashed with Matt Hardeman, one of the contestants who's now evicted.
Angela, during a preseason interview with KUTV, expressed that she has the potential to win Big Brother, as she is a 'people's person' and seemed confident about her social game too. She said:
"I’m very much a people person, and that is my social game, and that is how I’m gonna win Big Brother.”
Angela Murray's journey on Big Brother so far
Big Brother 26 has a real estate agent from Utah as one of its contestants, Angela Murray, who has been going strong since day 1 of the show.
She's also a mother and a grandmother who claims to be happily married for the last 30 years. Angela has attracted the limelight because of her behavior in the house. She appears to be outspoken, which led her to quarrel with other houseguests.
Angela had an outburst during week 1 on Matt Hardeman, when she came downstairs and started lashing out at Matt and called him"crazy eyes". She also ranted about other houseguests. She said to him:
"This co*ky, crazy-eyed boy who says he’s got everyone in his back pocket … Oh yeah, you know (what) you did."
From the beginning, she had Matt on her watch. She said during the confessional that Matt is a charmer and he will get the attention of the ladies in the house and will form an alliance. She said:
"I don't think that Matt is super charming, I know that Matt is super charming. I think he is gonna have these girls, like, in the palm of his hands. I do think Matt is one to watch. I could see him going kind of far. He might be able to solidify a group and stay in the game for a long haul."
However, Matt didn't last long and was evicted in the very first elimination round. During Lisa's elimination too, houseguests were united that Angela was someone who might not be there in the game because of her behavior. Lisa, after her elimination, was shocked and said that she was blindsided, by other contestants as she thought they will evict Angela.
During Angela's preseason interview with KUTV on July 18, 2024, she was sure to bring her real self and called that her strategy for the game:
"Strategy going into the Big Brother house” is to be herself — “unapologetic Angela and all that that encompasses.
"That is somebody who does wear her heart on her sleeve. I do have a big mouth. I’m not afraid to share with people what my opinions and thoughts are whether you want it or not. "
She added:
"I think I'm gonna be a person that people can trust when they shouldn’t because when it comes to the game of Big Brother, morals and decency are out the window. I am here to win the money."
Angela is the only one to win the Head of the House multiple times in season 26 of Big Brother. She was the Head of the House for week 1 and week 4. However, in week 4, she was removed by Quinn because he had a Deepfake HOH upgrade power.
Big Brother 26 airs on CBS on Sundays, Wednesdays and Thursdays at 9/8c. The latest episode of the show aired on August 11, 2024.