Sister Wives follows Kody Brown and his four wives, Meri, Janelle, Christine, and Robyn, through the ups and downs of being married to four different women for almost 15 years. Since the show's premiere on TLC in 2010, viewers have gotten a glimpse into the life of a polygamous family. Kody and his wives have 18 children in total and have also moved several times.
The family had many problems as they moved from Utah to Las Vegas and then to Flagstaff, Arizona. These included money problems, changing relationships, and legal issues related to their way of life. There were big changes in the family by season 19, which aired in September 2024.
After Christine, Janelle, and Meri left Kody for personal and family reasons, Robyn was the only wife he had left in his then-monogamous marriage. The latest installment of the show, Sister Wives season 19, focuses on their new paths and the separate journeys they have taken since breaking up with Kody.
Christine and Janelle's journey on Sister Wives
Christine was the first wife to end her marriage with Cody, and she took this decision in 2021. Christine said that Kody's refusal to be there for their daughter Ysabel during an important surgery was the turning point in their relationship after 25 years of togetherness. After they broke up, Christine moved to Utah, where she met David Woolley through a dating app.
They bonded quickly and married in October 2023 in what Christine called a "fairy tale" wedding. Christine has given up polygamy and is now living a monogamous life. She is still close to her ex-sister-wife Janelle, though. They spend a lot of time together, and Christine has made Janelle and her kids a part of her life with David.
Christine has voiced no interest in rekindling relationships with Kody or Robyn, focusing instead on her family and new marriage. Janelle, who separated from Kody in late 2022 after nearly 30 years, has also charted a new path.
While she remains in Flagstaff, she has considered moving closer to her daughter Madison and spends much of her time between Arizona and North Carolina, where some of her children live.
Recently, she, Madison, and the latter's husband launched a business, Taeda Farms, turning a shared passion into a new venture. Though she no longer communicates with Kody, Janelle’s friendship with Christine continues to thrive, as they share mutual family events and support each other’s journeys.
Meri and Robyn's pursuits and challenges in Sister Wives
Meri, Kody’s first wife, officially separated from him in early 2023, marking an end to a relationship that had become more friendship than marriage over the years. After moving back to Utah, she has re-entered the dating scene, revealing her interest in finding a partner who embodies qualities different from Kody.
Known for her resilience, Meri has focused on her passions, including her bed and breakfast, Lizzie’s Heritage Inn, which she temporarily closed for renovations. She launched her project, Worthy Up, a platform aimed at self-improvement and empowerment.
While she remains distanced from her former Sister Wives and family, Meri seems committed to embracing her independence and focusing on personal growth.
Robyn, the only wife still with Kody, now faces an uncertain future in a monogamous marriage with signs of strain. In season 19, she acknowledged that her relationship with Kody was “the worst it’s ever been,” with both expressing feelings of rejection and uncertainty.
New episodes of Sister Wives stream every Sunday on TLC at 10 pm ET.