Big Brother season 26 released episode 21 on August 29, 2024, on CBS. The episode saw Tucker Des Lauriers getting eliminated from the competition. As seen before on the show, T’kor had put both Tucker and Angela's names from her alliance as two of three nominees for elimination after Cam won the Power of Veto competition.
Initially, Tucker was nominated because T'Kor wanted to use him as a pawn, Tucker obliged and hesitantly volunteered to go up. The former was still surprised by T'Kor nominating him as it jeopardized his safety. In an August 30 interview with Entertainment Weekly, Tucker opened up about his elimination and his amazement in T'Kor taking him up on his offer to go in the block.
"I honestly didn't think T’Kor would take me up on it. There were plenty of other options of people to put up. I was expecting, honestly, Leah, to be there, not me. But I was a gentleman to the other two, Chelsie and Cedric, to offer that up and wasn't in an alliance with them. So I would've felt not good if I didn't offer it with T’Kor," stated Tucker.
Tucker also talked about his former alliance member T'Kor and the positive energy she brought to the house, which prompted him to help her out during her reign of HoH. He mentioned:
"And her feeling of joy is so just contagious and makes you feel really good, so I wanted her to enjoy and soak up that HOH for all it's worth, and to not have it be stressful. So if she needed me, she could use me, and bottom line, it backfired. But still, I wouldn't take anything back. I would just want to redo that puzzle."
After Tucker's elimination, 10 houseguests remain inside Big Brother's house including Angela Murray, Kimo Apaka, Chelsie Baham, Joseph Rodriguez, Leah Peters, Makensy Manbeck, Quinn Martin, Cam Sullivan-Brown, Rubina Bernabe, and T’kor Clottey.
Broken alliances lead to Tucker's exit from Big Brother 26
In episode 21 of Big Brother 26, Tucker was initially upset with T'Kor putting Angela up for elimination alongside him. Tucker had pleaded Angela's case in front of HoH (Head of Household) T'Kor and ultimately felt betrayed by her actions. Tucker's reaction left a bad taste in the new HoH's mouth and she pondered eliminating him.
Angela was also advocating Tucker's elimination, which left the latter wondering about the sanctity of their alliance in the game. Rubina also was part of this alliance and wanted to mend things between all the members, but Angela's words kept recurring to Tucker. He expressed concern as he didn't know what was real anymore.
This created a rift between Rubina and Tucker with the former taking Tucker's words in the wrong way, as it implied their showmance was also fake. Tucker managed to get a hold of Rubina and stated his desire to be with her in the final two. He also shared that she was the only reason that could make him keep on going in this competition.
Rubina later declared to the cameras that she didn't believe Tucker as he was a good talker and could be saying this to save himself. Chelsie, Cam, Leah, and Makensy also plotted against Tucker as he was a strong contender in Big Brother's house. The quartet wanted Quinn on their side, who expressed mixed feelings in the matter as he wanted Tucker's friends' trust later on in the game.
Ultimately, the houseguests voted 5-3 against Tucker in the elimination voting. Even though he took home $20,000 for his AI Instigator role and a romantic relationship with Rubina, he had to pack his bags and go home.
Watch new episodes of Big Brother 26 every Sunday, Wednesday, and Thursday on CBS and Paramount+.