Dubai Bling season 3, which premiered on January 8, 2025, continued to explore the evolving relationships among its cast members in episode 9. Titled Will Time Heal?, this episode captured the fallout from a heated argument between Ebraheem and Marwan during a breakfast gathering. Their conflict escalated into a physical fight, leaving Ebraheem injured and rushed to the hospital.
Reflecting on the incident, Marwan shared his disbelief in a confessional, saying,
“I couldn’t believe it. Did it really just happen? I’m in denial.”
He also admitted that it was the first time he had ever been involved in a physical fight.
This episode of Dubai Bling season 3 showed the aftermath of the fight, including Marwan’s conversation with Danya, who expressed disappointment over Ebraheem’s actions and his earlier revelation of her pregnancy to the group without her consent.
In addition to the tensions, the episode featured moments of connection as the cast worked on resolving disputes and celebrated milestones, such as Danya and Marwan’s 10th anniversary and gender reveal.
The fight between Ebraheem and Marwan in Dubai Bling
The initial conflict surfaced during a retreat organized by Zeina in episode 8. During a kayaking activity with the group, Ebraheem revealed that Danya was pregnant, a secret she and Marwan had planned to share together. Marwan, already uncomfortable with Ebraheem’s tendency to disclose private matters, felt betrayed by this breach of trust.
Later, Marwan addressed his feelings during an anonymous group activity he organized. Participants were encouraged to write down thoughts they hadn’t shared before. Marwan shared that Ebraheem often crossed boundaries by revealing secrets but expressed a desire to maintain their friendship.
Ebraheem admitted feeling guilty for his actions but wanted to get it off his chest. In episode 9, tensions are raised during a breakfast gathering. Ebraheem accused Marwan of attacking his character, stating,
“This is the third time you’ve done this.”
As the argument intensified, Ebraheem stood up and banged plates on the table. Marwan responded by throwing a plate, which escalated into a physical fight. Ebraheem sustained a facial injury during the altercation and was rushed to the hospital for treatment.
Later, Marwan returned home to inform Danya about the incident. She said that Ebraheem had blocked her on all platforms and asked him to share the details of their fight.
Other highlights from episode 9 of Dubai Bling
Loujain spent time with her daughters at the beach, creating a picnic set up for them, and said she wanted to stay away from the ongoing drama. Meanwhile, Jwana hosted a pajama party for the women, where Safa gifted hair clips to everyone.
In her new podcast, Meet My Friendz, Danya invited Zeina and Farhana as her guests. The conversation focused on their childhoods and life experiences. Zeina shared in a confessional that she grew up in a modest household, saying,
“We never went on family vacations or ate at restaurants.”
Farhana spoke about how her family worked hard to support her and also shared the loss of her father. She shared that the day she learned she was pregnant with her baby boy was also the day her father passed away.
Ebraheem also organized an event to surprise his mother with a baking business named “Call Your Mother Cakes.” Ebraheem encouraged Loujain and Jwana to resolve their differences and ended their fight.
Episode 9 of Dubai Bling concluded with Marwan and Danya’s 10th-anniversary and gender reveal party, where they announced they were expecting a girl. Ebraheem attended, bringing a small gift and offering an apology. Marwan said it was too late for an apology now.
Fans can watch the new episodes of Dubai Bling, currently streaming on Netflix.