The Circle, season 7, premiered on September 11 with its first four episodes, on Netflix. The second instalment of episodes, i.e. episodes 5 to 8 were released on September 18. The Circle gets even more intense as the contestant pool is reduced and a newcomer is introduced.
Episode 6 of the show saw yet another rating going down. Only, the difference this time was that the lowest rated contestant would directly get blocked as opposed to the highest rated contestants getting to be the influencer.
Heather, disguised as Andy got eliminated in episode 7 when the ratings results were out. However, she guessed this coming beforehand because of no reassurance from her allies such as Madelyn or Kevin; and rivals such as Gianna and Rachel coming for her.
Ahead of the ratings, Heather sought reassurance from her #BroCode ally Darian. While talking to him, Heather got emotional as she told the cameras:
"I'm just never anyone's favourite. That's all. I'm never anyone's number one".
She said that she wasn't just talking about the game but also about her life, which was the reason she was tearing up.
Why did The Circle contestant star Heather get emotional on episode 6 of the show?
Heather knew that her catfish Andy had been on the danger radar since the last elimination. This was because Kevin, an influencer had outed Gianna, another influencer of wanting to go after Andy.
Kevin said this after Gianna blamed him for breaking an alliance and blocking his The Circle wifey, Savannah. He defended himself saying his #BroCode alliance with Andy mattered more to him which is why he had to compromise and take out Savannah.
The Scarlotta Twins disguised as Gianna considered going after Andy because he was the one to mock-block her in the very first episode. Savannah bit the dust for Andy in the last blocking round so Heather knew they could come for her his round. Andy's position was threatened even more by The Alliance Breaker card he received in the Wild Cards game on episode 6 of The Circle, which was anonymously assigned to him by Gianna herself.
The card made her look shadier among the contestants. Knowing she was facing danger, Heather struck up a chat with Darian, her #BroCode alliance member. She told him she didn't know why Andy got The Alliance Breaker card when he had been nothing but loyal.
Heather opened up and said that in her real life, she was never anyone's favourite. She was fighting back her tears when she received a message from Darian, who reassured her saying his bros were his "top priority" and that he wasn't falling for any other strategies of The Circle game. Darian's loyalty made Heather break down. She said:
"At home...I doubt myself a lot. I've never felt like anybody really wants me. And I just don't feel like I'm anyone's number one. I mean, I know I got Maddy[Madelyn] but like, Do I? I have to question that".
She said she had to question everything and that was how it was for her in real life, even at home. She added that she didn't think anyone was thinking about Heather. She said that it was the same with the game, where no one was thinking of Andy, and she didn't like it. She then opened up to Darian and wrote:
"At home, although my band is my family, I'm still a freelance worker and don't entirely know where I stand sometimes".
She continued:
"Because of that I often experience bouts of self-doubt, and this game is really putting me back in that place. So thank you".
Darian gauged that Andy needed reassurance so he told him not to worry because he stood for him.
Episodes 9 and 10 of The Circle season 7 come out on September 25, on Netflix.