The Circle is a reality competition series in which contestants play as either themselves or catfish other players using a specially made social media app. Throughout the show, they compete to establish their likability in their game so that they get the majority of the votes to become top influencers. With this power, they are given the authority to block any contestant and send them home.
Season 7 episode 4 revealed that influencers Gianna and Kevin had blocked Savannah. As fans already know, Savannah was Kevin's alliance, so the Texas native was bitter about it. In her final video message, she hinted at being betrayed by one of the influencers. The remaining players were curious to know who Savannah was talking about; Madelyn was the first one to ask who this person might be.
In response to this question, Gianna clarified she didn't have an alliance with Savannah. This meant Kevin and Savannah's secret alliance was exposed in front of all The Circle cast members. Gianna wrote in the group chat:
"Loyalty means everything to me, my word is my bond. I never had an alliance with Savannah, so it wasn't me."
The Circle season 7 episode 4, titled Press to Impress, was released exclusively on Netflix on September 11, 2024. The episode synopsis reads as the following:
"A departing player's final message rattles the chat and exposes hidden alliances. Some players bond over family ties as others forge new allies."
Gianna and Kevin's argument in The Circle group chat
In the same episode, The Circle contestant Gianna made comments against Kevin, implying he couldn't be trusted. Other players also had doubts whether he would keep his word in the future. Kevin felt he was thrown under the bus; he defended himself, stating that it was a mutual decision. He also said that if it was only up to him, "Savannah would be still here." Kevin continued:
"Loyalty is very important to me. Obviously this decision wasn't made by one person, otherwise, Savannah would be still here. It takes two to tango, right Gianna?"
Kevin also mentioned that he was protecting "one of his bros," and Gianna wanted to send that person home. Andy was quick to realize Kevin was talking about him and thanked the 23-year-old for keeping his word. Kevin said:
"TBH Gianna wanted to send one of my bros home but no way was I gonna let this happen."
Once again, Gianna clarified that she had to choose someone apart from "one of her girls," and that player happened to be Savannah. Gianna also said she protected people who she had an alliance with, portraying herself as a loyal partner. The Circle contestant continued:
"Someone had to go and Kevin wanted to send one of my girls home and I wasn't gonna let that happen."
Then, Rachel intervened and said that Kevin was "trying to deflect" and blamed the decision solely on Gianna. She stated that Kevin "did Savannah dirty" and was making excuses for his move. Kevin was quick to respond; his message implied that Rachel was a catfish. He also clapped back at Gianna, saying:
"Just being real, that's more that I can say for you. Gianna switch up much?"
Stream the first four episodes of The Circle season 7 exclusively on Netflix. The upcoming episodes 5 to 8 are set to release on September 18, 2024.