Below Deck Mediterranean is an engaging reality show spinoff of the popular series Below Deck. The ninth season premiered on June 3, 2024, on Bravo TV. Viewers are taken on a captivating journey as the show vividly depicts the challenging and dramatic lives of the crew members who dedicate themselves to managing a luxurious superyacht.
Below Deck Mediterranean: After Show aired on July 22, 2024. The show gives a sneak peek of the behind-the-scenes of each episode and what happens at the Yacht in season 9.
The After Show features the captain of the ship, Sandra Yawn, and the other crew members, Jonathan Shillingford (Chef), Aesha Scott (Chief Stewardess), Elena Dubaich (2nd Stewardess), Bri Muller (3rd Stewardess), Iain Maclean (Bosun), Joe Bradley (Lead Deckhand), Nathan Gallager (Deckhand), and Gael Cameron (Deckhand).
During the latest episode of After Show season 9, episode 13, Jonathan, the chef on the show, expressed that he felt hurt by Aesha bringing back the cookie dessert and commenting about it. He said:
"I wish I had said 'Well, why don't eat it like you do eat the other leftovers that come back from the guests?' I didn't say that I've thought about this so much because I was really hurt. Yeah, cause we'd been working well. I liked her so much."
Jonathan takes a jab at Aesha Scott on the After Show of Below Deck Mediterranean season 9
Jonathan Shillingford is the chef on the Below Deck Mediterranean season 9. Recently, in episode 13, aired on August 27, 2024, he criticized fellow crew member Aesha Scott, a head Stew. The official synopsis of the episode reads:
"Chef Jono Shillingford explains why Aesha Scott hurt his feelings after his cookie dessert was sent back, and Captain Sandy Yawn explains why she was ultimately "stuck" with Jono."
Aesha Scott, the head stew, brought back the cookie dessert made by Jonathan because the guests didn't like it. Jonathan expressed his displeasure with Aesha's attitude as she sided with the guests and hinted that the dessert might not be good. He said:
"Usually when you're a crew, like, you stick with the crew, right? You don't say I agree with the guest, like, you would have cleared it, do, you know, whatever you normally do with leftovers coming from a table. As you throw it away, you wash the plate, but she chose to bring that to me, place it in front of me, and say, actually, I agree, and then walk away."
Aesha also shared her side of what happened and told Kate Chastain, the former Below Deck alum.
"This is very disappointing, really. But then what was even more disturbing was when I came back to the galley, and I took it back to him, and I was like, but it's a cookie on their anniversary, and he's like, but it's delicious."
Jonathan accused Aesha of eating the leftovers by the guest and suggested she should have done the same instead of coming to him and siding with the guest to call his dessert not good. He said:
"I wish I had said, 'Well, why don't eat it like you do eat the other leftovers that come back from the guests?' I didn't say that."
Fans can watch the episodes of Below Deck Mediterranean: After Show on Bravo TV, where the crew members share all the drama, crew dynamics, and details of each week.
Season 9 is currently streaming on Bravo on Mondays at 9/8c. The After Show releases every Monday at 10/9c on and YouTube and on Peacock on the next day.