Too Hot to Handle, a popular reality TV dating show, concluded its sixth season on August 2, 2024. This season had fresh faces, twists, and dramatic recouplings. The show, known for its format of testing the contestants' abilities to form genuine connections without surrendering to physical temptations, has captivated viewers worldwide.
This season introduced new dynamics, including the entrance of Flavia, a familiar face from season 4 of Too Hot to Handle, who immediately caught Joao's attention. The couple started dating in the third episode of the season but things eventually didn't work for them.
In the finale episode, Flavia said,
"Joao, I still want to be your friend. I want to have you in my life after this because I think we understand each other and we do get along. So, the word that I pick is friendship, and I associate friendship with orange."
The blossoming of Flavia and Joao's relationship in Too Hot to Handle
Flavia and Joao's relationship on Too Hot to Handle season 6 started with instant chemistry. Joao, who arrived on day 1, quickly caught everyone's attention. Flavia joined in episode 2, and they immediately connected. Having participated in season 4, Flavia used her experience to navigate challenges. Their early days were filled with laughter and deep conversations, making them a favorite couple in the villa.
As the days went by, Flavia and Joao's relationship appeared solid, with both expressing their intentions to understand each other and see a future together outside the villa. However, the introduction of new arrivals, including Jalen in episode 7, would put their relationship to the test because Flavia found herself getting attracted to Jalen.
This growing attraction placed her in a difficult position, torn between her existing connection with Joao and the hope of a new romance with Jalen.
The situation escalated quickly, leading to some confrontations and heated discussions between Flavia and Joao. They had a private conversation about Jalen, during which Flavia expressed her feelings to Joao.
She said,
"It doesn't mean that I like him. He was just like the new shiny toy in the retreat. Getting to know him is a perfect opportunity for me to f*ck up things up with you and that's a thing I have to work on. But he doesn't mean anything to me. I'm so sorry."
Flavia assumes that this chat with Joao went well, but he didn't seem thrilled with her actions in the villa. In the confessional, he said that his head is saying one thing and his feelings are saying another. He said he is not sure about them moving forward with the show.
Flavia expressed her anger at Joao's decision to end their relationship through a breakup song on his guitar. During the Colour of Change workshop in the finale, Flavia reflected on her experiences and decided to forgive Joao for the hurt their breakup had caused.
In the confession, Flavia expressed her hope that Joao would learn from their relationship and avoid making similar mistakes in the future. The finale episodes of Too Hot to Handle are now out on Netflix.