Beast Games, which premiered on December 19, 2024, pits 1,000 contestants against each other for a $5 million prize. This ongoing Prime Video game show demands both physical endurance and mental fortitude. Auzi, known as Player 435, one of the competitors on the show shared his insights in a YouTube podcast, Respectfully Inspired, recorded before the game began.
“I’ve been preparing by running, working out, and doing puzzles. I don’t know what challenges will come, so I’ve been focusing on what I can do to stay ready for anything,” Auzi said.
In the podcast posted on December 20, 2024, Player 435 shed light on his training regimen, strategies, and mindset. He offered insight into his approach to one of the most challenging contests in the digital content space.
Player 435 reveals comprehensive preparations and mindset for the Beast Games
Preparation for the show
In his podcast, Player 435 discussed the preparations he had undertaken for the competition. Aware that the nature of the games was unknown, he focused on physical training and mental exercises. He acknowledged the uncertainty of what the actual challenges might entail.
Player 435 also stressed that his mindset remained rooted in his belief that the outcome of the competition would be shaped by a higher power, despite its unpredicture nature.
“Whatever God's will for my outcome, whether that means to profit $5 million and get first place or whether it means to go to Vegas tomorrow, be the first person out and come back home, I am ready,” he stated.
Reflecting on success and expectations
While Beast Games Player 435 prepared physically and mentally, he also reflected on the expectations surrounding the competition. He acknowledged that with 1,000 contestants, the odds were against him.
“Statistically, I should expect to lose because one out of 1,000 are really low odds,” he mentioned, illustrating the steep competition.
However, he did not let these odds dampen his spirit. Player 435's reflection on his potential success extended beyond personal gain. He pointed out that if he were to win the cash prize, it would not just be a personal victory. Instead, he saw it as an opportunity to bless others.
"Maybe he wants me to win $5 million and not to use the money as a blessing for myself but to bless others,” he said.
Faith and attitude toward competition
Player 435 also discussed his approach to handling psychological challenges of the Beast Games. One of the key aspects he highlighted was dealing with nervousness. By placing his trust in God's plan, he was able to reduce the emotional burden of potential failure.
"What is the feeling of nervousness? The feeling of nervousness is a fear that you're not going to succeed, but God's plan is always better than mine," he said.
In a similar vein, Beast Games Player 435 elaborated on the importance of not idolizing the opinions of others or placing too much emphasis on winning for the sake of recognition. His perspective on competition was shaped by his belief that it was more important to stay true to his values than to focus on outward success or public perception.
“I don’t need to idolize making money. I don’t need to idolize succeeding,” he remarked.
New episodes of Beast Games are released every Thursday on Amazon Prime Video. Don't miss out—tune in and catch the latest action.