Jersey Shore: Family Vacation aired episode 28 on November 21, 2024, on MTV. In the latest segment, Nicole "Snooki" Polizzi confronted Angelina Pivarnick about what she said during an Instagram Live session. Snooki in particular called out a statement by Angelina where she claimed the show was successful because of her. Snooki said:
"I don’t want drama."
This confrontation led to further discussion in this episode about the communication challenges within their group.
Snookie addresses Angelina's public comments about Jersey Shore and the impact on their friendship
In episode 28 of Jersey Shore: Family Vacation, the conversation started when Snooki expressed shock and concern over Angelina's public comments. Snooki said that these statements belittled everyone's efforts and created unnecessary drama that aired on TV. She added:
"So do me a favor and stop going on live saying stupid s**t."
Snooki then advised Angelina to consider how her actions affected the rest of the group. She believed that airing their issues on television would complicate the situation and overtake the good times they had. She mentioned:
"Don't say the show is nothing without me. You guys hate that s**t. Because it's rude."
In response to Snooki’s concerns, Angelina acknowledged her actions and shared deeper insecurities. She admitted:
“I think I feel left out, maybe… My therapist said this, actually. No matter how much you try, you’re not ever going to be looked at with them as an original.”
However, Snooki and other cast members refuted this perception, assuring Angelina of her value within the group. Talking about Angelina feeling "left out," they said that they didn't feel that way because all of them loved her. They added that she was "part" of their "group.”
Snooki affirmed, encouraging Angelina to move past these insecurities.
Angelina admitted that her defensive behavior often escalated conflicts. Referring to her approach during arguments, Snooki said:
“I just don’t like when you get mad at someone that you go for the jugular. You really try and hurt people.”
Angelina explained that her behavior stemmed from personal struggles, including her divorce and issues with her biological father. Reflecting on her emotional challenges, she mentioned:
“My wall has been up for years… I’ve been through some sad stuff....That’s why I’m in therapy. I definitely can be better.”
The other topic of discussion was Angelina's on-again, off-again relationship with Vinny Guadagnino. The group placed warnings upon her to bring him along on future trips due to the public feuds they had. Snookie urged Angelina to consider the group dynamic when making decisions, telling her:
"He’s talking about you on his Instagram. You’re talking about him, and then you’re going to walk in like, ‘Oh, we’re fine.'”
Moving forward
The Jersey Shore episode concluded with the cast reaffirming their support for Angelina. Snooki summarized the sentiment, saying:
“No one wants to fight with you. We all accept you. You are in this with all of us.”
Angelina also expressed her desire to improve, reflecting on the importance of therapy and her relationships with the Jersey Shore group.
Jersey Shore: Family Vacation airs every Thursday at 8 PM ET on MTV. New episodes are also available online at