Selling Sunset season 8 premiered on Friday, September 6, 2024, and dropped all 11 episodes on Netflix. The installment had several notable moments, including one between Bre Tiesi and Chelsea Lazkani.
In episode 5, Chelsea and Bre met up for drinks since the latter had some information to share. Given their turbulent history at the Oppenheim Group, the cast member clarified that she had no "ill will" towards Chelsea, her marriage, or her children.
She told her what her friend Amanda had told her about seeing Chelsea's husband, Jeff. Bre said Amanda saw him at the W Hotel with another woman and that they were "making out" in the lobby. Bre added that she had been in her shoes, and even though they hadn't gotten along previously, she wanted to tell her what she knew.
"I wouldn't wish this on you or anyone else," Bre said.
She told Chelsea she had "been there" and knew how "awful" it was. She added that she felt that since it was brought up, Chelsea had a right to know.
Bre reveals shocking information to Chelsea in Selling Sunset season 8 episode 5
In Selling Sunset season 8 episode 5, Bre invited Chelsea out for drinks as she had vital information to share with the cast member. She told Chelsea what her friend, Amanda, had seen before telling Tiesi about it.
Bre told the Netflix celebrity that she had been in "this position as well". Chelsea interrupted her and told her the last thing she wanted was to "not have information." Bre admitted she didn't know how to talk about it and said she and Amanda recently went out for lunch.
She said Amanda's friend, who works at the W Hotel, had seen Jeff with another woman in the lobby of the hotel. When asked what he saw. Bre said they were making out in the lobby and that Amanda had "receipts."
Selling Sunset season 8 star Chelsea asked what the messages said and Bre said Amanda's friend saw "them making out in the lobby" multiple times. Chelsea asked the latter whether she trusted Amanda. Bre responded that while they were not "1000%" she trusted her. She added that while she couldn't "play PI" she could at least tell her what she heard.
Chelsea started getting emotional and said that women could always tell "when there's a disconnect." She added women in general know when something's wrong but admitted she never felt like that. She explained she hadn't looked at her husband's phone in 10 years.
"This is, like, my husband of a very long time and the father of my two kids, you know? I don't know what I wanna do, I don't know what my move is, but, I'm not going to make any irrational, quick decisions," Chelsea said.
Bre told the Selling Sunset season 8 cast member to "take this in," since it may bring them "10 times closer together". She said "people make mistakes" but Chelsea chuckled.
Bre joked that Chelsea could "club him over the head" and "put him in the truck." Seeing Chelsea laugh, the reality star said she would "hold him down," and tape him up while her Selling Sunset co-star went through his phone.
"The girls be struggling. That's a f*cking ghetto lifestyle," Chelsea joked.
Chelsea added that life was "hard" and Bre consoled her by telling her she knew since she had been there too. Chelsea added that she believed that whatever didn't kill a person would make them stronger and that she would be fine. Seeing her cry, Bre also teared up.
Chelsea and Jeff Lazkani got married in 2017 and filed for divorce in March 2024.
All episodes of Selling Sunset season 8 are available to stream exclusively on Netflix.