Belle Collective season 5 episode 9, titled Reunited and It Feels...Good?, aired on December 27, 2025, on OWN. The episode featured candid discussions, including Tambra Cherie’s emotional revelation about her battle with postpartum depression. Reflecting on her experience following the birth of her daughter, London Simone, Tambra said:
"I woke up in ICU. I was on a ventilator. I couldn't talk. Like it wasn't good at all. We were separated for days."
Furthermore, the episode explored tensions between cast members, including Marie and Latrice’s ongoing conflict and JJ’s first meeting with Selena. Adding to the drama, Latrice opened up about the aftermath of the Taste brawl, making this episode a blend of emotional depth and gripping revelations.
Belle Collective: Carlos King’s conversation with Tambra Cherie
During the episode of Belle Collective, host Carlos King emphasized the importance of mental health in the Black community. When asked if she experienced postpartum depression, Tambra responded with a powerful account of her struggles:
"Oh, I was fighting that for sure. When London Simone was born, I woke up in ICU."
She explained the emotional impact of being separated from her daughter during those critical days. Tambra touched on the lack of support she felt during that period, sharing:
"No one really came to say, what is Tambra doing? They're always asking, I want to see the baby, you know?"
When Carlos asked how she was doing now, Tambra affirmed:
"I'm doing, I'm better."
Belle Collective's cast members address mental health
The discussion expanded beyond Tambra, as other Belle Collective cast members shared their thoughts on mental health in the Black community. Marie Hamilton-Abston emphasized the importance of prioritizing mental health, stating:
"Just like we go to the doctor and check on our bodies, we have to check on our mind too. It's okay not to be okay. Depression, anxiety, being stressed out, all of those things fall up under mental health."
Lateshia Pearson highlighted the cultural stigma surrounding mental health conversations. She stated people are typically told to keep issues within the household and dismiss their struggles by simply taking a shower and going to bed. She discussed the generational barriers that have often discouraged open discussions about mental well-being.
Sophia “Sogucci” Williams added a personal note, mentioning her daughter's apprehension in sharing her mental health story. She said:
"She was kind of a little apprehensive about sharing her story, but she said that, Mommy, what I'm sharing is going to help so many other people."
Marie concluded with a reminder:
"Call and check on your friends, your strong friends. They need to be checked on too."
Belle Collective: Highlights of the episode
Apart from the emotional discussion around mental health, the Belle Collective episode featured dramatic confrontations and significant revelations. One of the key moments was the ongoing feud between Marie Hamilton-Abston and Latrice Rogers. Their attempt to find common ground added tension and intrigue as they tried to address unresolved issues from the season.
According to the episode's official synopsis:
"The Belles are back! Selena takes the stage as the newest member of the Collective, but sharing the spotlight with Sophia ignites old rivalries. Tambra reveals her struggles with being a new mum. An unexpected guest shows up to settle the score."
JJ and Selena’s first face-to-face meeting provided another emotional highlight, bringing unresolved dynamics to the forefront. Meanwhile, Latrice detailed the tragic aftermath of the Taste brawl, offering new context to the incident.
The next episode of Belle Collective will air on January 3, 2024.