Inside Season 2 returned with episode 4, titled The Party’s Over, released on March 20, 2025. The episode picked up from the previous cliffhanger, where PK and Patrice, having spent the most and least money respectively, were given the power to eliminate one contestant.
After the discussion, they chose Mandi, leading to different reactions from the group. Mandi expressed her frustration in a confessional,
"Honestly, I'm really really upset. I feel like you can't trust anyone," she said.
The gender split became more evident when Jason told PK,
"I want a guy to win. It low-key is guys versus girls. I'm not gonna put that out there."
Patrice also commented on the strategy in play, saying that "alliance won't work." The prize fund now stood at £673,800. The next day, PK expressed regret about Mandi’s elimination. Elsewhere, DDG and Jason ordered maple syrup and a banana, resulting in another £1,500 loss.
Later, all the women and men were called to Room 19 separately, where they received an announcement about the next challenge in the arena.
The Lights Out challenge in episode 4 of Inside
While leaving, she called PK a "snake," causing a divide between the men and women in the house. Meanwhile, Jason and DDG completed their task of being handcuffed together, while PK defended his reaction to Mandi’s elimination, stating he laughs in "awkward situations."
The challenge, titled Lights Out, required contestants to be blindfolded and wear noise-canceling headphones. Each round, one insider was allowed to see and eliminate a contestant by turning their light red. The eliminated contestants then had to guess who picked them.
Cinna was the first insider and chose Mya. When asked who she thought picked her, Mya guessed Milli, but was incorrect and was sent to the elimination bench. Next, Whitney chose Farah, who also guessed Milli but was wrong, leading to her elimination.
The surviving contestants, Cinna, Whitney, and Milli, had to choose between Farah and Mya for elimination. Cinna and Milli voted for Mya, while Whitney picked Farah. Since Mya received two votes, she was eliminated. However, before her departure,
"However, unlike before, you'll not be going home immediately. So no, you're all free to go back inside," the host announced.
The men were called next for the same challenge. DDG was the first insider and eliminated PK, who guessed Jason but was incorrect, sending him to the elimination zone. DDG went again and eliminated Patrice, who guessed George but was also wrong, leading to his elimination.
The remaining men, Jason, George, and DDG, had to choose one contestant to eliminate. Jason, George, and DDG voted for Patrice unanimously,
"This competition would mean more to PK in the future than it would to Patrice," George explained.
What else happened in the episode?
Both Mya and Patrice were sent to the processing room in Inside, where Tobi appeared and informed them that the others would now vote to save one of them. The contestants were called in one by one to cast their votes. Whitney, Mya, DDG, Milli, PK, and Cinna voted to save Mya, while George and Jason voted for Patrice.
With five votes in her favor, Mya was saved, and Patrice was eliminated. Later, Jason was called to the Temptation Room, where he was presented with an offer to play in front of 90,000 people at the Sidemen Charity Match 2025. Accepting the opportunity meant deducting £30,000 from the prize fund.
Without hesitation, Jason agreed, saying he was "tempted instantly" and signed the contract immediately. The prize fund now stood at £594,500. The insiders were then called to the challenge arena, and the episode ended.
Episode 4 of Inside Season 2 is currently streaming on Netflix.