Love is Blind season 8 premiered on February 14, with episodes 10 to 13 released on February 28, following episodes 7 to 9 on February 21. The latest episodes document the engaged couples meeting each other's parents and reconnecting with other members from the pods.
Among them, Devin met with his partner Virginia's parents. After Virginia had previously met Devin's family, it was her mother Mary's turn to meet Devin. Mary asked the couple questions about their relationship before expressing her support. She said:
"It feels really positive. I'm excited."
Devin reassured her by explaining the dynamics of their relationship on Love is Blind. This led Mary to affirm her support for their marriage. She also told Devin the importance Virginia held for her and asked him to take care of her.
Virginia's mom's meeting with Devin on Love is Blind season 8 episode 10
After Mary greeted Virginia and Devin on Love is Blind, she asked Virginia to show her ring and told them she hoped they were ready for her questions. She then asked Devin if he was ready to marry her. He responded that he was, stating that he felt connected to her because they shared similar religious beliefs. He added that another similarity between them was that they both wanted children.
He said:
"I feel like Virginia has such a pure heart. She's such a good person, we bonded over wanting to help people."
Furthermore, Devin told Mary that he was a program director for a youth program, which made her tell him that she was a teacher and worked with children as well. She then asked Virginia what commitment was to her, and Virginia said that was something that they were taking seriously and that they were fighting to be together.
Devin said that commitment was everything to him because he saw his parents be with each other forever, and his sister was married for about 10 years as well. He stated that he knew what it took to stay together and that he thought communication was the biggest key to the success of any relationship.
He also shared that he understood that he was going to change and Virginia was going to change too; they weren't going to be the same people 10 years down the line. He said adapting to these changes was another thing that was needed to keep a relationship going.
Mary then asked if they thought it was okay to argue. Virginia responded that having differing views was natural, but what mattered was knowing they were on the same side and working towards solutions. Devin said that instead of arguing, they needed to talk things through, which Mary agreed to.
On Love is Blind, she then told Devin that she got divorced when Virginia was little and asked what he thought of it. He said he was going to love them both as his family, and it didn't matter that they weren't together. Devin then told him how he was adamant about making their relationship work, and Mary thought that they were "cute."
Mary told Devin that he seemed like a nice person, then stressed the importance of Virginia in her life and asked Devin to take care of her. She told him that she was trusting him to be the man he was supposed to be. Devin reassured her that he would live up to his words.
The finale episode of Love is Blind season 8 will be released on March 7.