The popular Netflix dating reality series Love is Blind released a new iteration of the show, Love is Blind UK on August 7, 2024. The first season of the UK version captivated viewers across the world just as much as the original show did. The show's unique premise of falling in love with someone without seeing them has enthralled viewers since Love is Blind first aired in 2020.
While Love is Blind UK saw six couples get engaged on the show, only two of them ended up getting married. However, there were a few backstage connections that the viewers were unaware of, as they weren't shown during the main episodes of the show. These connections were shown during the reunion episode that aired on Netflix on Monday, August 26, 2024.
One such connection was the relationship between Sharlotte and Ollie that grew outside of the pods. While Ollie was engaged to Demi during the filming of Love is Blind UK, the two didn't end up getting married in the finale. However, it is worth noting that they only started dating outside of the pods, after the show was done filming.
During the reunion episode, Sharlotte, who reportedly caught Ollie's eye during a mixer, spoke about their connection.
"I've got a lot of gratitude for him, and it still remains complicated," she said.
The couple being together was significant, as it was one of the relationships that grew after the show and fans were eager to know more about the couple and their journey. As mentioned earlier, Ollie and Demi, who were engaged, didn't end up getting married, as they both felt that the time wasn't right for them to take that step.
Sharlotte and Ollie’s relationship outside the pods of Love is Blind UK
During the reunion episode of Love is Blind UK, viewers were shocked to learn that Sharlotte Ritchie and Ollie Sutherland were dating. While this wasn't a relationship shown during the series, the couple said that they began talking outside of the show after it was done filming.
Demi and Ollie agreed that not getting married was a good decision for the two of them and asked Sharlotte if she considered Ollie to be "her guy." Sharlotte said that while she was happy about their connection, things were complicated between them. She added that she didn't think she "could have gotten through the last few weeks" without him, noting that they were "in a good spot."
"Genuinely, I don't think I could have gotten through the last few weeks, having to watch what I've watched without him, like as the perfect support. But, yeah we are in a good spot," Sharlotte said.
Ollie agreed with his co-star and said that they didn't rush into a relationship but let it grow naturally and tried to handle things respectfully. He acknowledged that it was their undeniable attraction and connection, that kept them together.
"She is an amazing person inside and out, I love spending time with her," he said.
Demi and Ollie: A Relationship that didn't turn into a marriage in Love is Blind UK
Ollie's relationship with Demi was clear throughout the season. They became friends in the pods, eventually got engaged, and went on to walk down the aisle at their wedding. However, when it came time to make the decision, Demi chose not to go through with the wedding on the Love is Blind UK finale.
She said that while she and Ollie had a strong connection, it wasn't the right time for them to make such a significant decision. In the reunion episode, Demi spoke about her decision and said that it was a no from her "for now," and as she walked away, she realized that "Ollie was a good guy," but that he wasn't her guy.
"I think for me, in that moment like I was holding onto like, its 'I do not' for now. But walking away from it was like Ollie is a good guy, but he's not my guy. That's where we are at," Demi said.
The couple ended things after the show and are now no longer together. Their breakup was a turning point that showed how hard it was to build a relationship in an unconventional setting like the Love is Blind UK platform.
Even though they are no longer together, Demi and Ollie have respected and understood each other's choices. They decided to focus on their own growth since the show ended. In the reunion episode, Demi spoke to Sharlotte, expressing her love for her and hoping that her connection with Ollie would truly work.
The reunion episode of Love is Blind UK is currently streaming on Netflix.