Love is Blind: Habibi, the Middle Eastern adaptation of the popular reality dating show, has captivated audiences with its unique cultural perspective and emotional connections. The show, which released its highly anticipated reunion episode on Netflix on November 1, 2024, brought together cast members for a candid discussion about their relationships, growth, and personal reflections since filming ended.
Among the revelations, Khatab’s insight into his relationship with Asma stood out. Although the two didn’t marry, they shared a commitment to stay in each other's lives, choosing friendship over romance. Even though they tried dating each other, it didn't work out for them. He spoke about that time and said,
"During this period, we couldn't see eye to eye. So we knew it's better to be friends. Because I know how demanding my life and work can be in the long run"
The couple's real-life challenges post Love is Blind: Habibi
After the ceremony in Love is Blind: Habibi, Khatab and Asma were eager to bring their relationship into the real world; however, adjusting to everyday life quickly tested their bond. Though Khatab was open about his demanding job from the start, working an intense schedule that often left him with only a couple of hours of sleep, the full impact of his routine wasn't clear until they lived together.
Khatab explained that while Asma initially understood, they soon realized their contrasting needs were difficult to reconcile. In his experience, he observed that many women desire constant communication and attention, which he couldn’t provide due to his work obligations.
Reflecting on their time together, he admitted that his career demands might not align with Asma’s expectations in the long term. After nearly two months of trying to find balance, the couple reached a mutual decision, realizing that it was “better to be friends.”
Asma's perspective about Khatab in Love is Blind: Habibi
When reflecting on her journey with Khatab in Love is Blind: Habibi, Asma shared an equally thoughtful outlook. She understood his dedication to his career and acknowledged that their differing expectations made finding common ground in their relationship difficult.
Although she initially hoped they might overcome these differences, Asma recognized that she needed a partner who could support her and vice versa.
"We couldn’t find that middle ground at that point. And on the contrary, I’m very happy that we became friends," she said, showing gratitude for the friendship they developed instead.
When the host asked her views on the importance of physical attraction in a marriage, Asma offered a refreshing perspective. She said while looks might initially attract, they do not sustain a relationship. To her, a meaningful partnership is rooted in understanding, support, and respect.
"Looks are superficial; they don't last. Being attracted to someone's looks lasts only for a while, but affection and understanding last over time," she shared in the reunion.
Asma also reminisced about her pod connection with Mido in Love is Blind: Habibi, noting their strong initial communication, but ultimately, she said her bond with Khatab felt more authentic. Although their romantic relationship didn’t work out, she felt grateful for the time they shared and appreciated the mutual respect that allowed them to part in a good way.
Fans can watch the reunion episode of Love is Blind: Habibi, which is currently streaming on Netflix.