In The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills season 14, the January 7, 2025 episode featured Dorit confronting Kyle about staying in contact with her estranged husband.
Kyle explained they had only exchanged memes, but Dorit was unconvinced. In an aftershow clip on Bravo's website, Kyle suggested Dorit was trying to justify her own actions.
Dorit's take on the situation was that Kyle was defelecting, she said:
"It's deflection, Oh, please. 'You're just looking for another reason to get mad at me?' It's all so ridiculous."
The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills season 14 episode 6 titled Venom in the Viper Room was released exclusively on Bravo TV on Tuesday, January 7, 2025. The episode synopsis reads as the following:
"Love is in the air for Boz and her new boyfriend, but Dorit and PK can't say the same."
What happened between Dorit and Kyle on The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills season 14?
The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills season 14 aftershow clip was posted on Bravo's The Daily Dish on January 7, 2025. In the video, both Dorit and Kyle shared their sides of the story after the conflict erupted between the two.
Dorit stated that she found out about Kyle texting her husband Paul "PK" Kemsley after their separation.
Kyle on the other hand clarified they only sent each other memes. Dorit refused to believe this claim, she explained she did want to give Kyle "the benefit of the doubt." The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills cast member continued:
"I really wanted to give her the benefit of the doubt and give her a chance to tell me, rather than me make assumptions."
Dorit reflected on the verbal fight and mentioned that Kyle's behavior towards her was unacceptable. She explained why the situation got heated and that Kyle talking to her in a loud tone was a "tactic" Dorit continued elaborating:
"Once again, her thinking that she can just scream at me. And in that moment I was like, 'Oh, you have no idea,' I will f*cking scream right back at you."
She continued:
"This is not a tactic that's going to work anymore, and I needed her to know that. That's why I got activated, and I would do exactly the same thing today. And tomorrow. And the following day."
Meanwhile, according to Kyle, Dorit was looking for something to justify her treatment of Kyle. The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills cast member mentioned that Dorit was avoiding her and she kept on asking Dorit to explain what had happened between them. The upcoming episodes will further dive deep into this drama to give viewers more clarity on this matter.
New episodes of The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills air exclusively on Bravo TV every week on Tuesdays at 8/7c and the next day on Peacock TV.