Love is Blind: Argentina episode 9, titled Ghosts from Pods Past, premiered on November 20 on Netflix, following the four engaged couples as they prepare for their upcoming wedding ceremonies.
Furthermore, José Luis met Julieta face to face for the first time in episode 9, and the two contestants discussed their previous relationship and how things didn't work out for them.
By the end of their conversation, Julieta considered returning the letter he had given her in the pods, dismissing it as "phony."
"Maybe I should give him back his letter. It's so phony. Maybe he could reuse it," Julieta said in her confessional.
Love is Blind: Argentina star Julieta and José Luis reflect on their failed connection
Before the four engaged couples could exchange vows and tie the knot, they had the opportunity to meet their former suitors from the pods in episode 9, providing them with a sense of closure before they take the next step in their relationships.
José Luis had been pursuing a connection with Julieta before getting engaged to Florencia. In fact, just one day before proposing to Florencia, he wrote a heartfelt letter to his former flame.
The two contestants then got the chance to reflect on their relationship, when they met for the first time in episode 9. José Luis pulled Julieta for a conversation, and she told him that she was "looking forward" to seeing him and meeting him in person since they had talked so much in the pods.
The former Love is Blind: Argentina pair had been on ten dates, and when they reunited at the bachelor party, Julieta expressed that pretending not to know each other would have felt "weird."
"I was honest about my feelings when we talked, and then, at some point, I developed feelings for her [Florencia] as well, but my feelings for you were still there. Like, if you had told me that things between you and Ezequiel had gotten serious, I might've had a clearer picture and been able to make a choice earlier in the process," José Luis told Julieta.
However, Julieta was a bit confused by José Luis' perspective, as she implied that he was the one who wasn't clear and waited until their second-to-last date to tell her that he had feelings for Florencia.
The Love is Blind: Argentina contestant further explained in her confessional that given his tendency to change his mind every day, she couldn't understand what Luis was trying to say.
José Luis then cleared that he wasn't trying to criticize her but was just trying to share what he was going through. He felt that the connection between them wasn't mutual.
"I know you're not trying to criticize me, but, personally, I think that I perceived a lot of insecurities. I don't want that in a partnership. I felt like I was honest with you the whole time," Julieta responded.
Julieta also brought up the point about the letter José Luis gave her, asking if he was going to propose to her the day after. He then responded that she was his "first choice" that day, but he got insecure when he found out that Ezequiel had stronger feelings for her. He added that that was when he realized something was there between the two Love is Blind: Argentina contestants.
José Luis then asked Julieta how she came to her final decision: Was it because of him or because she was in love with Ezequiel? Julieta answered:
"Obviously, I had doubts about you. It helped me realize where I stood. And what my options were... I'm glad that I was able to think straight and realize you weren't the one for me."
By the end of their conversation, they were able to clear the air between themselves. However, José Luis shared in his confessional that he was still curious about what was happening between Ezequiel and Julieta and if the Love is Blind: Argentina couple was actually in love.
Love is Blind: Argentina episodes 1 to 10 are now available to stream on Netflix.